Monday, November 27, 2017

The power of a muffin

It is no secret that I like to bake. I have been baking for as long as I can remember. It started with box cake mixes and just went from there. Now, I just prefer to bake from scratch. There is also something about a food made from scratch; so much more time and effort is put into it, you really have to invest to produce it.

When I moved to the Dominican it took a while to adjust and gain my confidence in baking again. Switching to a propane non-convection oven was hard. I had to learn all over again and figure out when to rotate food that I previously did not need to rotate, figure out temperatures, because all I have is a dial that says 1, 2, 3 and 4, and so on. But, as I practiced, I got better and now I bake at least once a week, sometimes more.

“Okay, cool. So you like to bake. What does that have to do with anything? Is this another blog post about you?” To answer the last question first, no…and yes. I started making muffins at night so that Jonathan and I would have something for breakfast the next day. Trying to cook and get my husband and baby out the door in the morning was impossible (I also make bread or coffee cake but muffins are a good go too for me). I would make about a dozen and Jonathan and I would only eat a total of 4-6 of those. So, I would pack one for Amos, include one for Grecia and then give the rest to the people who we give rides too in the morning.

One thing about the Dominican, people do not bake here. Often they don’t even know how to use their ovens and they are used for storage rather than baking. So homemade baked goodies are not a thing. If you want muffins or bread or anything you go to a bakery or the grocery store.

Well, one day I decided to make a double batch and bring muffins to school for the teachers there. They were well received so, ever since, I try to bring in muffins as often as possible.

Now, at our school there are also maintenance and security people. The students usually ignore them and most teachers just have a very short, artificial, conversations with them. However, when they learned that the muffins were not only for teachers, but for them as well, they got excited (normally, if there is food at the school the rule is teachers first and they can have whatever is leftover). Now, the teachers talk to each other and the maintenance people more.

Now, driving into the school there is this older man that is at the gate to help with pulling in and out because it is very hard to see around the column supporting the gate. Jonathan and I always wave at him when coming and going and he waves back. A few weeks back I had some leftover muffins and unsure if he got any earlier in the day, I asked Jonathan to offer him some. He accepted and I thought that was that. We continued with our normal morning and afternoon waving, and if he was in the building, talking with him.

Well, earlier this week there was a school event that required us to be on campus past dark. We were pulling out of school and were doing our normal waving when the older man asked us to stop and roll down the window. He just wanted to thank us for always showing him respect and sharing the muffins with him. He was very appreciative since most parents and students do not acknowledge him and we make an effort too. It was a truly humbling moment.

After the conversation Jonathan and I talked about the “power of the muffin”. Not only was this sweet older man blessed by a few minutes of baking, but there is also a stronger community amongst the teachers and even with the maintenance people. But what is of even more importance, is that now the students see teachers engaging with each other, and people that are “not as important”, but treating everyone with the same respect. The students are watching and learning and are starting to value what these people do.

All because of some effort and time shown in the form of a muffin. Truly, ministry comes in many forms. And often times the most effective, is around a table over some food.

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A handicap or a blessing?

I am sorry this blog post is so late. Grad school started last week and my family got sick with this awful virus that is going around. Plus there have been a few huge changes in ministry that we have been adjusting too.

I am doing another post talking about me, I realize there have been a lot of those lately. However, I have come to a realization that something about me called "creepy" by some people, is actually a blessing on the mission field. And, I wanted to tell a little bit about this "handicap" because it isn't well known and I think I know a few people with it that don't realize they have it.  

Many times people use "handicaps" as reasons to not do something (Moses and stuttering for instance), especially if it is hard. Our personal issues can often affect how we view ourselves and our capability to accomplish the tasks before us. I have been struggling lately with these very feelings. I could not figure out why I was having so much trouble, then I stumbled across a youtube video. 

Now, I am not a person that trusts the credibility of just one source, and especially not youtube, facebook or wikipedia. However, after finding this video, I did more research and talked with people, and honestly, it makes a lot of sense. I even had someone evaluate me and they agree, I am an HSP.

What in the world is an HSP? It stands for "Highly Sensitive Person" and is basically a form of sensory processing. This is not a disorder, but just another way of dealing with information. HSPs are very sensitive to sensory input: sight, sounds, smells, it can be very overwhelming. But we are also very empathetic and can usually feel people's needs by looking at them. We can notice subtle things that often slip past people and are easily rattled when there is a lot to do and not a lot of time. We live in our heads a lot,are good listeners and often avoid situations that are overwhelming to us. There is a lot more but I will stop here for now.

Being on the mission field in a country that has a lot of sensory stimuli has been very difficult for me. I have often found myself question why I was called to this. I avoid crowds and noisy places and get very upset and have panic attacks if in a place like that for too long. I cannot handle the baby crying for more than a minute or two, and I feel bad if I can't accomplish everything I need to. There is always loud music going on and loud Spanish on top of that. Many times I have sat in the dark bedroom and just went into my head to find some kind of silence. I question why I was sent here to be a missionary? Why when I have these handicaps am I here? How can I be effective? But then I realized something. Yes, there are parts of being an HSP that are very difficult to deal with on the mission field, but there are parts that are a huge blessing, and those outweigh the others.

I will begin with listening. As many of you know, sometimes all you need is someone to listen to you. However, it can be very difficult to find a listener, someone who does not offer advice or make suggestions, but just listens. This is a critical skill needed on the mission field and although Jonathan was blessed with that, sometimes women need a woman to talk to. I have found that being an HSP has made people comfortable talking with me.

Another blessing in disguise as an HSP is the ability to pick up on people's feelings and subtleties in people's behavior. While in college I noticed that I could read people's eyes very well. Sometimes when I am trying to get to know someone, I will look at their eyes. I will also watch the way the walk, how they interact with people and so on. This ability has come in handy on more than one occasion on the mission field as most Dominicans are unaware that I am doing this. I will sometimes then pull my husband aside and point out something that I have seen and he will go speak to that person. Usually, they just need a listening ear and they are fine. However, sometimes this weird reading of people that I can do, has revealed much more information and I have formed character analysis that has proven to be true. Sometimes that was good, and other times not so much. 

I have to admit, church services are very hard for me to sit through. The loud music in a language I am not fluent in, a wiggly baby who just wants to move, motorcycles roaring by, its a lot to handle. But it is during this time that I can also notice things about the members of the congregation. Oh, her eyes look like she is carrying a huge burden. He looks tired, but there is a sparkle in his eye, he must be encouraged, etc. 

So, all of this to say, as an HSP I do struggle with things that would not normally bother people. However, I chose to see it as a blessings as well, because sometimes that is what the Lord uses to help others. I am choosing to see my handicap as a blessing and to be grateful for it. 

Until next time, may Adoani bless you. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Breaking the Silence

           I have several posts that are almost complete but I feel like it is time to share a little more personal information this week. I have been silent on my medical condition for a while to have time to process, readjust, heal and have some time to pray and think about how to proceed from here. After speaking with Jonathan, we have decided that I will share more details of my condition, but I do request privacy for any information I am not sharing.

            As you may or may not know, our amazing son was a surprise pregnancy. At the time I was upset because I did not understand what Adonai was doing. I had a lot of life changes going on and then this pregnancy. But, we trusted that He knew best (which he did) and began to prepare and get excited about the arrival of Amos. I had a difficult pregnancy, and an emotional traumatic birth, but baby was strong and healthy and that was all that mattered to me. I recovered fairly well too which was a blessing.

            I returned to work about 3 months after having Amos and did fine for a while. However, in March I began to have a constant abdominal pain. I ignored it for a week, but since it wasn’t going away, and was actually getting worse; I contacted my doctor. She wasn’t concerned but went ahead and scheduled a few tests and told me to come back the next day, which I did. Several ovarian cysts and a tiny fibroid tumor were discovered so she prescribed a medication and sent me on my way. I took the meds for 10 days but the pain was just increasing, not decreasing. I went to see the doctor again and after another exam, she told me she did not know what was wrong. I toughed it out another week but when I could not even stand to teach for more than a few minutes, the decision was made for me to return Stateside, ASAP for medical evaluation and treatment.  

            It took many doctors’ visits and several weeks, but I finally got a diagnosis. I have two different conditions which are exacerbating each other. I will only share one of these, but it is the main issue. I have Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS). This is a rare (or rarely diagnosed) condition where there are varicose veins on the ovaries and in the uterus. Because it is rare, there is not a lot of information about it, or very many successful treatment options.

            The main thing about PCS is it is a permanent condition. Although it is unclear what the main cause is, it is believed that stress plays a factor into it. It is most common after multiple pregnancies, but I am the rare percentage that has it after the first pregnancy. I have several treatment options but success rates vary and the only one with a high percentage of success is a complete hysterectomy. Yes, hysterectomy…after 1 child. OR I can just tough it out. The other options with a 65% or lower success rate do not sound worth it to me.

            But here is the most devastating part, and the one that has made me keep my silence this long. Regardless of whether or not I have a hysterectomy; I cannot have any more children…..
Although it is possible (and has been done) to conceive again, the condition will only worsen with each pregnancy. Since my condition got as bad as it did, I cannot imagine it getting worse and me still being able to do what I need to do. I cannot be bed-ridden and care for my family and help with ministry.

            Although it took several weeks for the reality of that statement to sink in, I instantly knew why the Lord sent Amos when he did. Yes, we are aware about adoption and are open to it in the future, but we have to make a choice about my long term treatment before considering anything like that.

            This diagnosis has been especially hard on me since I have returned to teaching. I have been asked several times if I was pregnant due to the fact I have put on some weight (I am on a diet now so hopefully those questions will soon start dropping of). I know they don’t mean anything by the question, but is just a dagger in the heart every time I am asked. I always just smile and laugh it off saying I am just fat, but it is something that stays with me for hours.

            I am breaking my silence on this not for pity, but so you understand why my posts have been a little more spaced out than they usually are. Between ministry, work, this and now grad school, I have had more than I can handle. I am starting to get my feet back under me, but it is going to take a while to regain my balance from that blow. I have also gone off of my medicine (for reasons I do not want to share) so there will be days that will be harder than others. Prayers for us to have wisdom as to how to proceed from here would be greatly appreciated.

            We know that being on the front lines means we will get more and stronger hits, but this one came out of left field and hit very hard. Obviously, we are still going forward with ministry, we refuse to let this prevent it. But there are times when this still open and raw wound resurfaces.

            Hopefully, my next post will be more interesting and less about me; but I just felt ready to share with you all what has been effecting me/us.

            Until next time, may Adonai bless you.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Back to school? Why now?

            At Jonathan’s request I am going to use this post to go into depth as to why I am returning to school; especially right now. The timing seems odd, I do admit; but hopefully this post will clarify some things!

            As you may know, in the States, it is almost impossible to get a teaching job if you are not a licensed teacher. Here, that is not the case. However, you either need an education degree, a certificate course for teaching or a Masters degree to be a teacher. This is a new law here, it used to just be a college education, but they are emphasizing education more so have changed the laws.

            Now, Jonathan and I had discussed my returning to school, and had decided that I would in the future; when Amos was older. However, my director told me that because of the laws, I needed to return to school now so that I could be still be employed. The government just needs to know I am getting my degree for me to keep my job.

            Why do I need to keep my job? Well, that’s a good question. Simple answer, we need the money. We are still converting our house and Amos eats a lot and goes through a lot of diapers. That’s great! But we also have ministry expenses and one paycheck will not cover everything, so my working is necessary.

            However, there is another purpose entirely that has pushed the obtaining of a higher education degree for sooner rather than later. One that Jonathan and I have kept fairly private until now; as we were/are gathering more information before plunging headlong into the project.

            For a year now we have had repeated requests for an English class. Many people in our community want to learn but do not have the funds to do so. Jonathan did a weekly class for a while, and we are starting after school tutoring soon for all subjects. And honestly, we are needing a new space. For many years the lot next to us has been vacant and for sale (currently a caretaker lives in a one room structure with his family…and has chickens). It is our desire to purchase the property and build a school there to be run by the church. Our vision is that it will be a bilingual Christian school, as there are neither bilingual nor Christian schools within walking distance of our community. By obtaining the Masters degree, it gives me the education required by Dominican law to be a teacher, and gives credibility to me/us for when we open the school. Jonathan has a Masters from the States so no one questions his ability or credentials. By doing the same myself, I will be on the same level education wise and have credibility with the government, ministry of education and our community.  

            There are numerous other small things that are pros and cons, but these big pros are what really pushed us to advance our plans now instead of in a few years. 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Why the long silence?

This blog post is late because it has been a very busy couple of weeks! School started today and with 2 lengthy power outages at the house, I could not blog. The internet at school is super slow so just getting school stuff done is hard! But the first day is here, everything is ready so hopefully life will calm down a bit!

Amos is 11 months old!!! That means I am planning a birthday party already! I can’t believe it! My baby isn’t a baby anymore! He is crawling and is trying to walk. He is talking some and just wants to be active and with people all the time. I put him in his crib for a few minutes while I get dressed or go to the bathroom and that is as long as he willingly handles “introvert” time! He is such a good baby though, almost never fussy and almost always happy.

When I was talking with my director this week, I found out that Dominican law has changed. To be a teacher, I need some kind of an Education or teaching degree. Since my Bachelors is not in education, I either need to return to school or take the licensure course here. Since the class is an all-day class once a week for 9 months, I really wasn’t too sure. But, Jonathan and I had been talking for several months about me pursuing a Masters online. So, it looks like that is what I am will be doing! I will be completing my application this weekend (I had it partially done before taking medical leave to the States) and we shall see what the Lord provides for financial aid. I am going to pursue a Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning with a specialization in English. This seems like a degree that will have many uses here. So, I am adding school onto my full plate! Prayers would be appreciated! I believe I can complete the program in 2 years, and as long as the Dominican knows I am working on the degree, I am fine to keep teaching. Praise the Lord! Jonathan has a Masters already and although it isn’t in education, it is in leadership and Masters here allow you to teach at the university level, so he is fine for now. But, he is interested in getting the Dominican certification in the future. 

Well, I need to end this post here. I hope to post again soon!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Back Home

      I have been back in the Dominican for over a week now. I have to say, it has not been hard to re-adjust after being gone for 2.5 months. I greatly appreciate the more relaxed culture and I find t much easier to relax here than Stateside. Sure, the language barrier is still difficult but I am doing much better about that than when I first arrived last year.

       Part of my medical condition was caused by extreme stress. I am under doctor's orders to do things to make me relax. For me that is things like: crocheting, writing, walking, practicing music, dance and more. I appreciate that with the exception of work, we are not held to a strict time schedule. Jonathan and I often joke when setting up a time for something, we specify "Dominican" or "American" time. This actually helps me a great deal. I get really stressed trying to do everything on American time.

     I greatly enjoy the ease of this culture. People were so glad to see Amos again and everyone is not offended or held to the same etiquette rules that we are in the States. People come by unannounced all the time, people aren't afraid to ask for help or offended or feel guilty if you say no/can't. People like to sit outside in the evenings and talk and everyone's home is minimal. Life is just simpler here and I am beginning to see the value in that. Although I will always be American and still hold most of those cultural things, I am finding it easier and easier to let some of it go.

    For instance; today it is raining, and probably will ran most of the day. I need to do laundry and we have errands to run and I could get really upset that I can't do what I need to do because of the rain. However, I find it a relief in a strange way. I am learning to not stress about it (or when the power is out) if I can't do something I don't worry about it and just be grateful for the downtime I get. Maybe I take a nap with Amos or I get extra crochet time or whatever. Then when whatever it is that is preventing me from doing my tasks goes away, I do the tasks. So we have dirty towels today. They will be just as dirty tonight. They can wait to be washed. Power is out? Okay, so no internet or laundry, extra baby time! Changing how I think has been a huge relief.

     Jonathan has been very supportive and jumps in to help when he can. He has been a huge blessing! Not to mention he is my link to extensive communication with anyone!

     So, my re-adjustment is more mental than anything else. But honestly, I love it here and I feel more relaxed and comfortable here than ever before. I am so glad to be home!

    Until next time. May Adonai bless you and your homes.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What are you going to miss?


     As my time here in the States draws to a close, I have done a lot of reflecting. It has been a hard summer.

     I got a letter from a dear friend of mine and she asked me a rather simple question. "What are you going to miss the most about the States?" It really got me thinking.

    I am going to miss my family, of course, but really, there is not a lot else. I have days where the language barrier drives me absolutely nuts and I really miss English. But I think that was true for Jonathan when he came to the States. I am sure he missed Spanish sometimes too!!!

    But I think my friend was actually referring to material things. In all honesty, there are only two material things that I will miss (because I cannot get them in the Dominican), and interestingly, they are both food items! I am not a foodie by any means, I love to cook and I am usually willing to try new things, but...yeah. Anyway, the two things I will miss are: blueberries and unsweetened ice tea.  
Wait, you come from the south...unsweetened ice tea???!!! Sacrilege!!! I know, I know. I will occasionally drink half sweet, half unsweet, but very rarely. Truth is, sweet tea is too sweet for me. #hypoglycemia. It just spikes my blood sugar then it plummets really fast and I feel bad and get really cranky and I have actually almost passed out. So, I don't drink sweet tea. The only tea readily available for me is sweet. I try to make my own, but when we eat out iced tea is not an option for me. :-(
So, I miss being able to just stop and get an ice tea while out and about. However, I do drink a lot more water as a result so that's  win right?!

   As for the blueberries. I have found one store that sells frozen blueberries but they are SO EXPENSIVE it's ridiculous. To give you an idea, I do buy  a dozen fresh strawberries for $2. Yes, 12 strawberries for TWO dollars. And not even all of those strawberries are good. Frozen strawberries are even more expensive. I can get a 3 fresh pineapples for $2 and mangoes are like $0.10 each. So the blueberries are stupid expensive comparatively.

    I will miss those two things the most I think. So, I have been eating a ton of blueberries and gallons of unsweetened tea. So, every time I visit the States I will be consuming those two items like there is no tomorrow!

    Anyway, Amos and I head back early Friday morning. I have packed up the teaching supplies but now I have to figure out how to get the clothes home. You can tell I am a teacher, supplies first then clothes!

    Until next time, May Adonai bless you and your homes.

Monday, July 10, 2017

It is Well with my Soul

    We all have our favorite hymns. Sometimes they change with our season of life, but if you look into the history of them, they can speak to you even more.

     I was given some pretty devastating news from the doctor on Friday, and as I talking with Mom about it, she brought up the hymn "It is Well with my Soul". Now, our situations are not even close to being the same, but it is still a reminder of what is important.

    "It is Well" was written by a devout Presbyterian man (maybe an Elder or Deacon, I can't remember) living in Chicago. He was very wealthy, had a wife and 4 daughters, but sadly lost his son. Then the Chicago fire happened and he lot all of his real estate and therefore his fortune. He and his family decided to go to Europe for a reprieve. At the last second he had to stay behind to tend to business but sent his family ahead with plans to follow. The ship carrying his family sank and only the wife was saved. When he traveled to rejoin his wife, the captain of his vessel pointed out the spot where the ship carrying his family went down and it was there that the hymn "It is Well" was written.

     Things did not look up for him though, he and his wife later lost another son. But the point of the hymn remains the same: regardless of the circumstances, if I am in Christ, all is well with my soul.

     This is both a difficult and comforting concept to grasp. In the middle of the situation it is hard to think; "well, at least I am good for eternity! I will let these hard things go!" Nor should we be like that. But we do need to acknowledge that Adonai is sovereign, and circumstances don't effect our salvation. However, our actions can. Are we going to stay mad, turn our backs and walk away? Or are we going to say: "Okay Lord, I don't understand, but I trust and love you" and continue walking with him? I am not saying don't get mad at Adonai. We are human, we will get mad at Him. I am saying don't stay there, and don't make decisions while in that state.

     "Blessed be the name of the Lord!" "King of Kings and Lord of Lords!" "It is well with my soul."

     Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Crockpot Chicken

Hell all y'all! So I just wanted to make this post real quick. This is a recipe for slow cooked chicken. I have made it 3 times for various audiences and it was a hit every time! It is super easy and also customizable, so I thought I would share it with you all.


    Frozen Chicken breasts (could easily use legs or a whole chicken)
    Bell Pepper(s)
    1 white onion
    Garlic (clove or dried..about 2-3 cloves if using fresh)
    Olive Oil


1) Dice onion and bell pepper(s). Set aside.

2) Put frozen chicken breasts in crockpot. Drizzle olive oil over them (enough that each breast has some on it).

3) Add salt, pepper, basil and oregano to taste. If using dried garlic also add it (again to taste),

4) If using fresh garlic mince and add to crockpot.

5) Add onion and bell pepper(s). Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours.

I served this with mashed potatoes, green beans (with garlic) and artisan bread. But obviously you can serve it with whatever. The leftover broth is a great base for a soup as well!

    I hope you all enjoy this recipe! It is a great meal to start in the morning (like 10:00) and it is ready for dinner! It is also baby friendly in the sense that it doesn't take long to prepare and can be done while the little one is napping or busy playing. Let me know if you tried it and any changes you made! I am always looking to improve my recipes!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Update on us

Hello everyone---    

     I have now been Stateside for about 6 weeks. After a slew of doctors appointments and a lot of discouragement I finally got a diagnosis and treatment plan yesterday! I have several things but the main issue is something called Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS). It's basically varicose veins on the ovaries and uterus. Fun right? However, after some medication and such I should be back to normal in 4-6 weeks. Yay!! Finally! I might need to get an extension for the baby to stay out of the Dominican longer than planned so I can finish treatment but Jonathan is looking into that to see if it's possible. If not, my doctor is a Spanish speaker and familiar with Latin culture and said she would provide prescriptions and a treatment plan that will work for me down there. Hallelujah!

     Amos has thrived being up here and being adored all the time. He LOVES to flirt, particularly with blondes. It's sometimes very embarrassing but he seems to make a lot of people smile so that's good. He has an infectious joy that just can't be contained and people pick up on that, if he flirts on top of that they just feel like rock stars!

     Jonathan has finished up the school year then spent the next week translating for a mission team. He is also looking at purchasing another car so he can work for Uber until school starts up again. What makes me thrilled about this is he found a great deal on a HHR which is a car I have loved for about 10 years. I never thought I would own one though! Our VW is still in decent shape (comparatively) but does have on going mechanical issues (from the previous owner) and has been hit several times making it ineligible for Uber. So, if the HHR doesn't work out it's okay, we still have transportation, Jonathan just won't be able to work over the summer. I am excited about the HHR so I really hope it works out!

      My brother Matt came down to visit for a few days. It was nice to see him but we missed his wife Colleen who had to stay in Kentucky this time. Hopefully we will get to see them one more time before going back to the Dominican (certainly possible if there is an extension granted).

     Well, that's it for now. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

How the Mission Field has changed me

Hello all---

    Sorry to post late yet again. I was unable to write yesterday because Amos decided it was not a day to take lengthy naps. However, he seems to be down for a while so hopefully I can post this!

    I have been back in the States for a month and I have spent some time reflecting on how different I am now, from when I left Dec. 31 2015. It's really not that long but so much has happened that looking back, I feel like a completely different person. So, I just wanted to talk about a few things that have changed about being as a result of living on the mission field.

   1)  I approach worship/church services much differently. I told Mom that I wanted to go to as many English speaking services/sermons as possible while I am here. I have gone to several different denominations, and I am just soaking stuff up. I no longer take spiritual food for granted. Although I still think about and compare what is being said to scripture (or rather my understanding of scripture), and discuss things with my family and husband, I realize just how valuable it is to be able to understand and absorb what is being taught. It adds a whole new meaning to Pentecost when everyone heard people speaking in their own tongue.

    2) I am a lot more tolerant and patient. Although i always thought I was a tolerant person (and I was more than some), the mission field has really opened my eyes in some areas. Patience is something that will always be a work in progress for me, but I have realized that many things people are intolerant about, harm the work of the Kingdom of God. Yes, there are things that need to be addressed and calling sin "sin" is important. But, so is saving a soul for Christ. Be tolerant like Adonai is to us and gently and patiently show others the truth. Tolerance in many areas is critical. It is also one of the most powerful tools in ministry, especially when building relationships.

      3) The importance of the unity of believers. I have been guilty of being one of those people who thought they were Spiritually advanced of others and the misunderstandings and conduct of certain people/denominations merit shunning. BOY HOWDY!!! How wrong was I???!!!! Although I was coming out of this while in college, the mission field has really knocked some sense into me. If you are in the trenches and getting fired upon, you want help. You are not going to care if the helps is from your country or a different one as long as they are friendly and help. It's the same on the mission field, We are all there for the same purpose. So what if we differ some in our beliefs? I believe we should not eat pork. Jonathan disagrees and will sometimes eat pork. So what??? Does that effect the gospel message?? Does it suddenly make the Great Commission invalid? No! It's a disagreement that does not effect if someone is saved or not. And when we are under attack, we need each other for strength and encouragement. All people on the mission field need the support of fellow believers, regardless of how different or similar their beliefs are.

      4) Not being to proud to ask for help. I am Scots-Irish and very stubborn. I was raised the way my Mom was raised, and her Mom, and her Mom. You pull yourself up by your boot straps, you don't ask for help and you never turn down a job. Although a work ethic is extremely important, the humility to admit that you can't do something alone and ask for help is too. I have had to ask for help a lot in the past year (little things, but still hard for me) and it has been a growing experience for me. It's okay to ask for help when it is needed. Just don't be dependent on it.

   5) If your clothes don't match it's okay. Silly I know but it's true. As long as I am clothed, when just around the house or running errands, I don't need to stress about it. Ministry is not going to blossom just because I am always pulled together and matching. Ministry happens even when I don't match or have a large stain on my shirt. Ministry isn't a specific thing, but rather, it can just occur at unexpected times, in unexpected places, with unexpected people. Always be ready to follow the spirits leading in that sense, the people you are ministering to mostly likely won't remember what you were wearing anyway.

    6) You can dry clothes under a ceiling fan. Just FYI

    7) Always wash your beans before using them...always

    8) Bugs are a thing. They get in food. get them out if you can. If not, extra protein!
    9) Babies cry, and it's okay!

and finally,

    10) Vicks vapo rub is not a fix-all regardless of what people say.

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Thursday, May 25, 2017


      So, you all asked several questions which were actually things I was thinking about writing about, so I guess I will!

       1) Pictures of Amos: I would love to post some more pictures of my son!!

Uncle Elijah and Amos

    2) Ministry development in the Dominican: Ministry is holding steady at the moment. Jonathan is doing weekly English classes and there has been interest expressed in him starting/doing more English classes. He is also doing bi-monthly pastor meetings/training, weekly bible study with a pastor, weekly preaching, and we both do a variety of community outreach things every week. Jonathan actually converted baptized someone last week! 

    3) My health: Well, I am 1,200 miles closer to answers. I have been cleared of dangerous stuff like appendicitis, pancreatitis, hernia, and kidney infection. I am being sent for more tests but they are looking at endometriosis as likely. 

    4) My re-entry observations: I am having what I would call "reverse culture shock". I have gotten so used to Dominican life that it is actually an adjustment to be back in the States. I told Mom the other day that just the sheer amount of space here is hard for me to get used to. In Santo Domingo everything is crowded together. Plus there are trees everywhere here. My Dominican way of giving directions too had my family laughing! The driving is so much more placid, and just people's body language is different. I love being able to understand everything that is being said, and being able to do medical appointments without help, but my Spanish has gotten A LOT better so now I am looking at doing Spanish classes online either this summer or this fall. 

   Well, I guess that's it. I hope to post again next week! Until then: may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Okay, so musical nerds probably get the reference from the title name, but for those of you who aren’t nerdy like me, it’s the number of a character from the musical Les Miserables. The most recent version of this musical is a movie starring Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and Russell Crowe.

While I was in high school I had the opportunity to be involved in musicals by being a pit musician. And I have watched many musicals and things growing up (love them!). One musical that I got the opportunity to watch instead of play for, was Les Miserables (school edition).

This is a somewhat depressing and not child friendly musical about the French Revolution. The main character was a pauper sentenced to 19 years of hard labor because he stole some bread and broke a window to feed his starving niece/nephew. The musical begins with the scene where he is released. Shortly thereafter he takes shelter for the night in the home of a bishop/priest. The whole encounter with the bishop lasts 3.5 minutes but I think is the most powerful part of the whole musical. You can find this particular scene/song on youtube if you wish to see it, however, I am going to post the script below:

Come in sir for you are weary
And the night is cold out there
Though our lives are very humble
What we have we have to share
There is wine here to revive you
There is bread to make you strong
There's a bed to rest till morning
Rest from pain and rest from wrong

He let me eat my fill
I had the lion's share
The silver in my hand cost twice what I had earned
He knows those nineteen years that lifetime of despair
And yet he trusted me
The old fool trusted me
He'd done his bit of good
I played the grateful serf and thanked him like I should
But when the house was still
I got up in the night
Took the silver
Took my flight!!

[Taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought back
by two constables.]

~Constable 1~
Tell his reverence your story

~Constable 2~
Let us see if he's impressed

~Constable 1~
You were lodging there last night

~Constable 2~
You were the honest Bishop's guest.

~Constable 1~
And then, out of Christian goodness

~Constable 2~
When he learned about your plight

~Constable 1~
You maintain he made a present of this silver -

That is right.
But my friend you left so early
Surely something slipped your mind

[The bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.]

You forgot I gave these also
Would you leave the best behind?

So Monsieurs you may release him
For this man has spoken true
I commend you for your duty
May God's blessing go with you.

But remember this, my brother
See in this some higher plan
You must use this precious silver
To become an honest man
By the witness of the martyrs
By the Passion and the Blood
God has raised you out of darkness
I have saved your soul for God!

            The music that accompanies this also lends to the powerfulness of this scene. When the constables are singing it is fast, loud and aggressive but the bishop’s part is slow, calm and soft. The police are accusing (accurately!) Jean Valjean of stealing the silver but, the bishop, instead of allowing justice to be served, stepped in and showed mercy by saying the silver was indeed, a gift. The bishop lost the only things of value he had, but he didn’t even think twice about it because it meant showing love and compassion to someone in great need.

            The musical goes on from there and Jean Valjean changes his name, becomes very successful and ends up helping others in need, including taking in the orphaned daughter of a prostitute and raising her as his own. This gave the orphan the honor and credibility she would need to just be a normal woman in society, when children in her place would have a hard time surviving let alone having any honor, innocence or credibility.

            But let’s look at two things about this opening of the musical:
1)      I can’t help but notice that Jean Valjean is known by a number while in a labor camp (24601). That just creeps me out as a Jew and a World War 2 nerd. That’s all I am going to say, it just weirds me out.
2)      The 3.5 minute scene with the Bishop. The bishop is one of the smallest roles in the musical (and the novel as well from my understanding) but his encounter changed the course of the character’s life.

How many times are we given the same opportunity but we are so preoccupied and worried about “us” and “justice” that we fail to see how one act could change the course of someone’s life, who then could impact someone else, and so on down the line. Yes, it may be a sacrifice for us, or make us uncomfortable, or it may be a small thing, who knows? But are we ever so in tune that we can think like the Bishop did?

Obviously, this musical and novel are fictional but the event and culture were real. Times are different know for sure, but does the kindness of the Bishop ever not apply anymore? Maybe in a different way, yes; but just think about it.

Until next time. May Adonai bless you and your homes. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017



Hello everyone!

     I thought I would spend this week just doing an update on us and then resume my "normal" posts next week.


     Amos is 7 months old!!!! I can hardly believe it! We finally have a birth certificate and passport for him too so whoot! Making progress! He has 2 teeth and more coming in. He is trying to crawl but mostly spins around in a circle and goes backwards, but he is getting there! He is very verbal and is trying to talk, but does respond to us and also tries to carry on a conversation with us. He loves his parent interaction time as well, not much of an introvert is this one! Baths are his favorite thing ever, with walks being his second favorite and car rides his third. He is super social and very popular...particularly with the ladies. If a guy has a beard he is also acceptable but Amos honestly has nothing to do with clean shaven men for some reason. I guess Uncle Matt and his Daddy's beards are what contributed to that. He has already filled a box with outgrown clothes and I need to go through his dresser again to clear out stuff! He is growing so fast!!!


 Jonathan is keeping very busy with ministry and work. He is preparing his students for the STEM fair and has a ton of work associated with that. He is also teaching weekly English classes (for free) to some of our neighbors and more have requested classes. Then, he of course has his normal pastor duties and preaching, and then his "daddy" duties which include changing poopy diapers after mommy has already done several. It is fun to listen to Jonathan and Amos talk to each other though while he is changing him or getting him ready for bed.


  I have been busy teaching EFL classes at work, being a mommy, helping Jonathan stay organized and just regular life. I am also battling some health issues so my energy level is non-existent but I am taking it one-day-at-a-time. My Spanish is progressing; slowly, but progressing. Baby steps right?!

   Well, that is all for now. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Testimony of Barabbas

       With this past week being both Passover/Unleavened Bread and Easter/Holy week; I have been thinking a lot about both the death and resurrection of Christ, as well as the Passover. I did a brief post last week about it but had to cut it short due to a shortened nap little bit decided to take. But after I wrote it, I kept thinking about it and then I began thinking about Barabbas.

“Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the people any one prisoner whom they wanted. At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas. So when the people gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” For he knew that because of envy they had handed Him over.
While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, “Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him.” But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death. But the governor said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said, “Barabbas.” Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Crucify Him!” And he said, “Why, what evil has He done?” But they kept shouting all the more, saying, “Crucify Him!”
When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves.” And all the people said, “His blood shall be on us and on our children!” Then he released Barabbas for them; but after having Jesus scourged, he handed Him over to be crucified.” Matt. 27:15-24 NASB
            Barabbas was a murder but also (probably) a thief. In all respects, a criminal. Murder would be a crime punishable by death, both by Jewish and Roman law. However, the crowd was persuaded to have this criminal released and an innocent man killed in his place. But, the innocent man (our Messiah) willingly took his place. There is so much to this picture!

            During Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) animals were sacrificed for an atonement of sins. A couple of these animals included goats, two of them to be exact. Both were brought before the priest, and one was sacrificed and one bore the sins of the people but was set free. One would think the goat bearing the sin would be the one sacrificed, but rather, it is the goat that does not carry the blame that was sacrificed. Barabbas and Yeshua? (This is just a thought, I honestly have no idea, it was just something I thought of).

            By both Roman and Jewish law, Christ was blameless and should have been released and Barabbas should have been punished. Instead Christ willingly took Barabbas’ place and become the perfect and final sacrifice for sin. But let’s dive a little deeper still.

            Barabbas was a murder because he was part of a rebellion/uprising (Luke 23:19, John 18:40). He was unsuccessful and was caught and then labeled as a criminal. However, Hanukkah is a celebration of the Maccabees doing just that, but being successful. If Barabbas had been a part of a successful uprising, would he still have been a criminal? I am not trying to say Barabbas was actually a nice guy, I don’t know if he was or not; but here is something to think about: by Jesus/Yeshua taking his place, therefore granting him freedom, did he actually deliver Barabbas? When we are in times of trial we ask for deliverance, Jews pray daily for it. Was this perhaps an answer to a prayer of a “criminal” who, wasn’t actually one?

            But, for now, let’s just assume Barabbas is a legit criminal. And let’s take a metaphorical look at this passage of scripture. How many times have we personally, and we as the church, been guilty of being like Barabbas? And how many times has Christ intervened on our behalf? No, I don’t think we are guilty of murder as a regular sin, but a thief? Or other sins? Quite a bit! How many times have we been granted another chance through forgiveness when in all honesty, we should not have been? How many times has the Lamb of God shed his blood to cover us when we did not deserve to be delivered?
            Now, let’s look at the other side of the coin. Let’s assume Barabbas was accused of being a criminal but actually, wasn’t. How many times have we found ourselves in situations we don’t deserve to be in? We are good people, trying to do the right thing, and BAM! We find ourselves in a metaphorical prison. We cry out, and we are delivered. But at what cost? Often times we have no idea, but other times, we can see that someone else is affected.

            Either way, Barabbas being a criminal or not, is a powerful testimony. Walking free, forgiven of sin/wrong-doing, or being freed through the love and compassion of our Messiah. The power of Christ’s sacrifice for us never ceases to amaze me, especially when I know I have been Barabbas a few times myself.

            May you have a blessed week, may Adonai bless you, your families and your homes.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chag Sameach!

       This year, our Easter break falls during the same week as Passover. This is really convenient, but it also got me thinking.

            I was preparing dinner and setting a nicer table to celebrate Passover (no lamb this year, just chicken) and I realized how Passover is not really known or understood here. We were planning a trip to a town up north where there is a large Jewish population, but I said we could not go Tuesday (today) because it’s a Sabbath. Turns out we are probably not going at all, but after realizing how unknown Passover is, I began to question why?

            Passover is one of the reasons Easter/Resurrection Sunday exists. And without understanding Passover, it’s harder to understand the full significance of Christ and some of the names he is called like “the lamb” for instance. Christ’s resurrection should not be overlooked and should be celebrated, but we also need to understand the significance of his death which, for me, is more clearly understood during the Passover Seder and celebration.


The Matzah (the unleavened bread used during the Seder and the week of unleavened bread) is both pierced and stripped, just like Christ was pierced and stripped (beaten) for us. Lamb is traditionally served but is at the very least included on the Seder plate. That represents the blood of the lamb placed on the door frames of the homes for the angel of death to Passover, sparing the firstborn. It also represents Christ, the sacrifice for us.

            Why unleavened bread? Leaven is used as a representation of sin. “A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.” (Gal. 5:9 NASB) By removing the leaven it symbolizes purity. However, to Jews, it represents leaving at a moment’s notice. They had no time for the bread to rise, so they just baked it and left.

       Although a good portion of the Seder discusses and celebrates the deliverance of the Israelites (notice I said Israelites and not Jews) from Egypt, there are still subtleties that point to Christ. The afikomen is wrapped in a cloth or bag, hidden and then the children search for it. Sounds a bit like Christ being wrapped up, laid in a tomb and then the women go in search for him, doesn’t it?   

            There are many more details I could point out, but I am going to stop for now. I hope you all have a blessed and restful week. Chag Sameach!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ministry when Money Talks

             Ministry is a word with many meanings and means different things to different people. However, the most generic and, I think, most widely agreed upon definition, is working with others to further the Kingdom of God and/or spread the Gospel. For the purpose of this post, I am going to assume we all agree on that definition.

            Since there are many ways to spread the Gospel and help others I am not saying that there is only one right way to do it. However, in most countries people are either very receptive or stand-offish about ministry. People in need will do whatever it takes (including setting through a church service) if that means their needs are met at the end of it. And that certainly is a method to spread the Gospel, and helping those in need is the whole point right? But what about those that don’t “need” help but want to take advantage of foreign money?

            In non-first world countries, money is everything. Shoot, that’s even true in 1st world countries! Money = power. This is not just true in a corrupt system, this is true because we are humans. We place value on money so even if we don’t need it, we usually won’t refuse it if an (legal) opportunity to get more arises. What does this have do to ministry though?

            Even on the mission field money is everything. If someone has money, they immediately attract more interest than someone who doesn’t. Particularly if the money is a consistent part of their life, not a one time thing.  People want free handouts and will do what is needed (within legal limits of course) to get it. This includes attending church regularly, bible studies etc. So how does one do effective ministry without money?

            That is a question we often ask ourselves. But, as I stated above, ministry comes in many forms. Building relationships and always being there when the money falls through is one effective way to do ministry.  Everyone has needs and everyone goes through rough patches in life. Some are worse off than others as a general rule and rely a lot on the help of others. This is when the church needs to step up, not only when they see the possibility of benefiting themselves or trying to act the part so money keeps coming in. The only long term effective ministry is when money is deleted from the picture and relationships are built and helping hands extended when needed, not just when money is around. If you know someone who needs a roof repair but they do not have time, materials and/or money to do it, help them out! If you can fix it, fix it! If you can’t but they can, offer to help with whatever so they have the time to fix it etc. It is through those actions that I believe the most long-lasting ministry occurs. No, it’s not fancy or headline worthy, but then again, not everything Christ did was either. He did his ministry without money, as did his disciples and those after them. Yes, money can be very helpful and is not a bad thing. I am just saying not to let it be the basis of your successful ministry on the mission field. Make sure people don’t see you as money bags, but rather, as the missionary you are there to be.

            This is a very hard thing to achieve, especially as a foreigner. People here see me and see an American and automatically think MONEY!!! However, when they find out I don’t have any, I am dropped to the status of a peer and they actually relate to me as such; and not as a person with money that they need to try to play the pity card or impress to get some. This makes us part of the community and we have built relationships with those around us to the point that they feel comfortable coming over and talking with my husband (baked goodies doesn’t hurt either though!). Although the fruits of our ministry are slow in coming forth, we are beginning to see the seeds sprout in our community.

            So, the whole purpose of this post is to encourage other missionaries and those thinking about going on the mission field to not let money talk. Yes, the fruits of your labor will be much slower in sprouting, but in the end, the fruit will be fuller and richer. It’s worth the extra effort, I promise.

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Don't forget about you

       Over the past year I have learned a lot. I have grown and matured as a believer and have come to realize a few very important things. One of which includes taking care of myself. I don't just mean health and hygiene but also mentally.

       I grew up being taught to put others first and always die to self. I agree with this, and try to live most of my life like that. However, I have come to realize that if I don't also take care of myself, I cannot take care of others, most importantly my family.

     It's easy for me to get busy with the daily "to dos" and "have to get this done" stuff. Before writing this post I had a list of things that I felt like had to come first. They aren't bad, but they could have waited. I am so busy running around that I get tired early in the day and can't give all the attention the baby or my husband needs because I am running on empty or still have a long list of things to complete. The few times I do stop and rest or just slow down, I feel guilty and that I should be doing something. I have had to remind myself not to feel that way.

     It's easy to get so involved in ministry, work, and being a wife and mother that I forget that I too have needs. I can't give all the time without stopping for a fill up every now and then. How each person "fills up" is different and may change from time to time. Right now, solitude and quiet are biggies for me, but also needlework. I have always had a need to do things with my body and hands. That's probably why I like dancing so much. But I also relax when doing needlework. My two favorites are cross-stitch and crochet. There is just something about the creation of things through my hands, and the feel of the textures that is calming for me. I can be creating something useful or decorative, but it's the process that helps me. Writing too, I enjoy writing so why not take a few minutes everyday to do something for me?

      It's hard to realize that taking care of myself is not wrong. And that actually, by taking care of me, I can better care for my family. I car will only run for so long on an empty tank, you have to stop and fill up at some point. Isn't better to do it before you are on empty?

      So, my advice to all new Moms or people on the mission field. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Yes, ultimately you will be caring for others, but spending a little bit of time on yourself is just helping you care for others. If that's spending an hour reading a book, or maybe watching some TV, whatever, it's okay to slow down and it's okay to say "no" sometimes. We live in such a fast paced world, take a few minutes to slow down and take care of you,

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Family Ties


       I just wanted to talk about the refreshing visit I had with my brother and sister-in-law. It was so nice of them to come visit and meet Amos. They were only here for a week but it was fabulous to see them! So, this post will have pictures and details of their visit.

Meeting Uncle Matt and Aunt Colleen at the airport

He loves Uncle Matt's beard!

   On Sunday we went to the aquarium which is only a few blocks from our house. We walked there and then got caught by rain, but it all worked out. This was Amos' first time there and he loved the fish! He even had a conversation with a few of them!

Looking at the starfish

Uncle Matt helping him see

Amos was excited about this tank! Good thing Matt has experience 
and had no problems holding onto Amos!

    On Monday, we took Matt and Colleen to the Colonial Zone (the old city as I call it) for them to see. I forgot to take pictures but I did get one on the way and one when we stopped for coffee.

Heading to the Old City

Rain means time for a coffee break! Yes, that is iced coffee in a martini glass!

       Tuesday was valentines day so we went to the zoo! Colleen and Matt have a tradition of visiting zoos whenever they go somewhere because Colleen loves animals. Amos had never been so it seemed like a good thing to do. Off to the zoo we went!

On the zoo train

Amos trying his first ice cream

Colleen showing Amos some lizards

   I had to work Wednesday and Thursday so Matt and Colleen went up to Samana to whale watch and such. They returned Friday and we had dinner and walked to the cliffs by our house.

    Matt and Colleen had to fly back Saturday afternoon so we spent the morning at the caves "Tres Ojos" (the three eyes), again, not far from the house. We spent a couple hours there, came home, had lunch and then they had to leave for the airport. :-( It was a great visit and I miss them, I hope they come back soon!

Jonathan, Grecia (my mother-in-law), Colleen and Matt (holding Amos) 
looking at one of the "eyes"

Inside the caves looking out

The 4th lake but not an eye because it is not covered. 
Matt,Colleen and Amos getting their picture taken by Jonathan
who is getting a picture taken by Grecia
and I am taking a picture of all of them!