Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ministry when Money Talks

             Ministry is a word with many meanings and means different things to different people. However, the most generic and, I think, most widely agreed upon definition, is working with others to further the Kingdom of God and/or spread the Gospel. For the purpose of this post, I am going to assume we all agree on that definition.

            Since there are many ways to spread the Gospel and help others I am not saying that there is only one right way to do it. However, in most countries people are either very receptive or stand-offish about ministry. People in need will do whatever it takes (including setting through a church service) if that means their needs are met at the end of it. And that certainly is a method to spread the Gospel, and helping those in need is the whole point right? But what about those that don’t “need” help but want to take advantage of foreign money?

            In non-first world countries, money is everything. Shoot, that’s even true in 1st world countries! Money = power. This is not just true in a corrupt system, this is true because we are humans. We place value on money so even if we don’t need it, we usually won’t refuse it if an (legal) opportunity to get more arises. What does this have do to ministry though?

            Even on the mission field money is everything. If someone has money, they immediately attract more interest than someone who doesn’t. Particularly if the money is a consistent part of their life, not a one time thing.  People want free handouts and will do what is needed (within legal limits of course) to get it. This includes attending church regularly, bible studies etc. So how does one do effective ministry without money?

            That is a question we often ask ourselves. But, as I stated above, ministry comes in many forms. Building relationships and always being there when the money falls through is one effective way to do ministry.  Everyone has needs and everyone goes through rough patches in life. Some are worse off than others as a general rule and rely a lot on the help of others. This is when the church needs to step up, not only when they see the possibility of benefiting themselves or trying to act the part so money keeps coming in. The only long term effective ministry is when money is deleted from the picture and relationships are built and helping hands extended when needed, not just when money is around. If you know someone who needs a roof repair but they do not have time, materials and/or money to do it, help them out! If you can fix it, fix it! If you can’t but they can, offer to help with whatever so they have the time to fix it etc. It is through those actions that I believe the most long-lasting ministry occurs. No, it’s not fancy or headline worthy, but then again, not everything Christ did was either. He did his ministry without money, as did his disciples and those after them. Yes, money can be very helpful and is not a bad thing. I am just saying not to let it be the basis of your successful ministry on the mission field. Make sure people don’t see you as money bags, but rather, as the missionary you are there to be.

            This is a very hard thing to achieve, especially as a foreigner. People here see me and see an American and automatically think MONEY!!! However, when they find out I don’t have any, I am dropped to the status of a peer and they actually relate to me as such; and not as a person with money that they need to try to play the pity card or impress to get some. This makes us part of the community and we have built relationships with those around us to the point that they feel comfortable coming over and talking with my husband (baked goodies doesn’t hurt either though!). Although the fruits of our ministry are slow in coming forth, we are beginning to see the seeds sprout in our community.

            So, the whole purpose of this post is to encourage other missionaries and those thinking about going on the mission field to not let money talk. Yes, the fruits of your labor will be much slower in sprouting, but in the end, the fruit will be fuller and richer. It’s worth the extra effort, I promise.

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.  

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