Thursday, June 22, 2017

Update on us

Hello everyone---    

     I have now been Stateside for about 6 weeks. After a slew of doctors appointments and a lot of discouragement I finally got a diagnosis and treatment plan yesterday! I have several things but the main issue is something called Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS). It's basically varicose veins on the ovaries and uterus. Fun right? However, after some medication and such I should be back to normal in 4-6 weeks. Yay!! Finally! I might need to get an extension for the baby to stay out of the Dominican longer than planned so I can finish treatment but Jonathan is looking into that to see if it's possible. If not, my doctor is a Spanish speaker and familiar with Latin culture and said she would provide prescriptions and a treatment plan that will work for me down there. Hallelujah!

     Amos has thrived being up here and being adored all the time. He LOVES to flirt, particularly with blondes. It's sometimes very embarrassing but he seems to make a lot of people smile so that's good. He has an infectious joy that just can't be contained and people pick up on that, if he flirts on top of that they just feel like rock stars!

     Jonathan has finished up the school year then spent the next week translating for a mission team. He is also looking at purchasing another car so he can work for Uber until school starts up again. What makes me thrilled about this is he found a great deal on a HHR which is a car I have loved for about 10 years. I never thought I would own one though! Our VW is still in decent shape (comparatively) but does have on going mechanical issues (from the previous owner) and has been hit several times making it ineligible for Uber. So, if the HHR doesn't work out it's okay, we still have transportation, Jonathan just won't be able to work over the summer. I am excited about the HHR so I really hope it works out!

      My brother Matt came down to visit for a few days. It was nice to see him but we missed his wife Colleen who had to stay in Kentucky this time. Hopefully we will get to see them one more time before going back to the Dominican (certainly possible if there is an extension granted).

     Well, that's it for now. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.


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