Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Sorry for the delay since my last post. I had my last huge round of morning sickness and just wasn’t able to write. Although I still have spells, I feel a lot better and go days without issues. The heat is taking its toll though and most of my ride home is in cramped, un-air-conditioned, slow-moving buses. However, we are hoping to buy a car ASAP so soon that issue should be resolved…Lord willing.
 This post will be a bit lengthy and for that, I apologize! But, there is a lot to catch up on.
Jonathan got hired for a job in early February, (shortly after we found out we were expecting) but the company kept delaying his training until the first week of March. When he finally started he realized well before his three week training was completed that this job would not work long-term and he needed to leave sooner rather than later. With some encouragement from some co-workers of mine, he applied to the school where I currently teach and was hired! He thought he would begin in August and would just tough out his job until then. However, due to a teacher leaving for maternity leave for the rest of the school year, Jonathan began the very next Monday, teaching science to grades 3-7. He works on the same floor as me; across the hall and only 2 doors down! Not only is he much happier teaching, the hours, schedule and pay are better leaving him more time to prepare the house for the arrival of “Little Bit” and to continue ministry.
 I am now 13 weeks along and have a proper baby belly. I started to feel the baby move this week and it is making things more real. I have another doctor’s appointment in the next week so we will get a new sonogram and make sure everything is going well. My feet are starting the “pregnancy swelling” and pain and sleeping at night is becoming more of an issue. However, with a few pillows and a couch (hopefully completed this weekend), and a rocking chair, I hope to find a comfortable place somewhere!
 Last weekend I convinced Jonathan to take me to the beach. We have been under a lot of stress with him adjusting to a new job, losing sleep due to having to use public transportation to get there, money getting tight, me not feeling well and a myriad of other things. He was reluctant at first but after finding a ride with a friend and his family (his wife is pregnant with child #2 and is only a few weeks ahead of me) who also wanted to go, he agreed. After we were there and actually in the water (took Jonathan surprising long to actually get in the WATER) he was glad we went. We spent several hours and it was completely relaxing. The water is warm and the saltwater was soothing. It was great to be irresponsible and do something relaxing and fun for us. Yes, we still have a ton of stuff to do, but it was a fantastic couple of hours.

This week we are teaching all day and doing what we can do on the house before dark. Please pray for us as we try to get a car and finish somethings here that badly need to get done. Thank you all!

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