Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sometimes mission work is subtle


              It is no secret that my husband is a minister and we are missionaries here in the Dominican Republic. It is easy to forget that sometimes though in the chaos of finding employment, fixing our house and now pregnancy. Life can be and has been overwhelming the last few months. It is easy (for me at least) to focus on getting our life in order, rather than doing mission work. I mean, how can we have people over when we don’t even have a couch or a table for them to sit at? All we have is a breakfast bar at our island with two wood stools and an almost complete couch. No cushions though, which does not make for pleasant sitting.

            But one thing I was reminded of this week, that rang true in the States as well. “Mission work is often times subtle”. What I mean by that is just what we view as “mission work”. For some that means handing out tracks, others it means standing on a street corner (or here it is standing in the subway train) and preaching, for others it’s going to the furthest reaches of the globe to spread the gospel to an unreached people. Now, I am not saying that these are invalid or wrong (bless those that can go to the furthest reaches), but I am saying that sometimes ministry is a bit more hidden.

            One example I can think of is something my husband did (yes, I am going to brag about my hubby). One of my pregnancy cravings lead us to an ice cream joint about 2-3 blocks from our house. We have frequented this place so I am sure the workers know us. Anyway, there are boys (cannot be more than 12 years old) working outside the place parking cars or selling pirated CD/DVDs to make money for school. Of course we don’t want to support piracy and we have no car to park so we are not of much use to the boys. However, my husband started talking to them (in Spanish of course so I had no idea what he was saying other than our house address) and they were listening intently. Come to find out, my husband was offering to have them come to our house so he could teach them the trade of electrical work so they could make better money. They seemed genuinely interested and when school is out for the summer, might take him up on his offer.

            We have seen the boys since then and they remember Jonathan who renews the offer each time he does see them. Yes, we did give them some money (and an ice cream to share), but Jonathan’s connection and willingness to teach them a useful trade for free, stuck with the boys more than the free ice cream and money.

            Likewise, Jonathan has tagged along with me to work a few times for various reasons. A couple of the teachers have really connected with him and seek him out when he does come to talk more with him. No, it isn’t religious topics discussed, but they know he is a minister and one of the men in particular is an atheist. Just the fact that he feels comfortable talking to Jonathan is a huge open door that Jonathan is careful not to close. His ministry in this sense is not preaching but rather listening and building up a friendship. There is a difference in the overall feel and attitudes of the teachers when Jonathan is around which I think speaks volumes of Adonai’s ability to be sensed, even when you are not necessarily aware of it.  

            I say all of this to say that yes, my house is a mess and uninviting, yes we are still struggling with getting our lives pulled together and ready for long-term ministry and yes, I have frequent pity parties about various things, but we are still doing mission work, sometimes when we are not even aware of it. Sometimes mission work is subtle…and sometimes that’s the best for the person Adoani is trying to reach. Just always be ready to be kind and to listen. You never know who might just need a good listener to start the process of hearing Him.

            Until next week; blessings to you all and your families.  

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