Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Make each day count

       This week we had another experience with death as the father of some students passed away unexpectedly and at an early age. We went to the viewing to show support and it stuck home with how death can happen so suddenly. Here is a man that was young and successful with 3 beautiful and intelligent daughters that was just suddenly gone. As a mother, I can now better understand what some of the thoughts his widow might be having are.

Without warning she knows finds herself a widowed, single parent with three children to finish raising. He was the main source of income so now she has to figure out how to keep her family stable financially, how to keep the children in private school, how to afford a car, house, food, etc. Not only does she need to make ends meet, but she has to be available for the children emotionally too as they all grieve and try to heal. It makes me wonder what I would do if I was thrust into her shoes?

Lord willing that will never happen; but the unexpectedness of this man’s death drives home how finite our time really is. We never know when our time will be complete so we need to use our time wisely. For each of us that means something different, whether it’s spending more time with loved ones, finishing a project (like a quilt or a book) that you want to leave behind, accomplishing more ministry, raising a family, etc.

One thing that I think about is the amount of time I have spent in disagreement with my husband. I am not saying to never have disagreements (that would be ideal but impossible), but maybe not everything is worth having a spat over. I wonder if this lady had an argument with her husband that she is now regretting, or did she not give him a hug, or get up to say good-bye that morning or whatever. Maybe or maybe not, I will never know. However, it makes me realize more and more that each day, each hour, each moment here on earth is precious. I don’t want my last act to be a fight or an action that does not show love. I never want my husband or son to question my love for them if something were to happen to me. Nor do I want to live thinking about an action I did if for some reason Jonathan is taken from me.

But just as important is what is accomplished for the Father on a daily basis. Can I lay my head on my pillow at night knowing that I have done something to further the Kingdom of God? Or at the very least, not damaged it. Maybe there are dishes in the sink or clothes in the hamper but did the community or the kids at school see Christ’s love that day? Did my husband and sin feel nurtured and loved? Did I conduct myself in a manner pleasing to Adonai even on days filled with adversity? What have I done today that I can stand before the throne of Adonai and be proud of? Some days it may be nothing more than just caring for the baby and other days it may be something bigger. Each day is fresh and a treasure chest. What you put in it is up to you, but if you were to look back and open it, would you be pleased with its contents?

I want to encourage each and every one of you. Our time here is limited and we never know how much we have. Do something every day that matters. Make each day count. Show Christ’s love even when it’s hard; especially when it’s hard. Never lay down at night regretting something because tomorrow is not promised.

Until next time, may Adonai bless and keep you.

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