When one goes to the mission field,
you expect resistance and spiritual warfare. However, one does not expect it
from people who claim to have the same calling/draw/desire as yourself. But,
this has proven true for many people, not just me….
Humans are petty….and territorial.
There. I said it. Ever since I began a relationship with my husband, I have
gotten flack, as has he. Obviously we both ignored it and moved forward as we
are now married and have a baby. However, more than relationship nay-sayers,
there is another form of pettiness that bothers me, particularly on
the mission field.
Here in the Dominican there are
multiple missions and missionaries working (I know other countries have
multiples as well, but I am just speaking from my personal experience). I think
that is great! The more people working to save souls the better! However, there
is a lot of turf wars and disunity among these missions and missionaries. I
just want to know one thing…WHY????? Aren’t we all working towards the same
goal and for the same boss??? Apparently not.
I do not remember anywhere in
Scripture where we are referred to as “men” or “adults” of God, but I
distinctly remember being called the “children” of God numerous times. I am
sure there are many reasons for this, but sometimes I just chuckle to myself
because even “adult” and “mature” believers act like children; myself included!
Adonai’s command to us is pretty simple…
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NASB
Nowhere in this
scripture does it say be petty and territorial over the souls you are trying to
reach….but I am no Greek or Hebrew expert. Maybe in the original language it’s
there; but in the English translation, it most certainly is not. So why are
people so “Mine!” “My area. My church, my lost souls, my souls needing
encouragement, back off!” when obviously, there are others trying to accomplish
the same thing as you? Honestly, I don’t know. But, I have a few theories from
personal observation both overseas and in the States.
Theory 1:
Denomination/movement/belief differences.
Now to some people (my own movement
included), this is a biggy. “I have to teach the TRUTH! My movement/denomination/beliefs
are the truth, the one true way!” If I have heard that once, I have heard it a
hundred times. But is there any truth (pun intended!) in that? Yes and no.
Every belief, denomination, movement (whatever you call yourself) has some
truth and some falsehood, Judaism included. And it’s these differences
in beliefs that cause disunity, the birth of yet another movement or
denomination that again, is the one true way and we can’t have these OTHER
believers in Messiah contaminating our sheaves. After all: “A little leaven leavens the whole lump of
dough.” Gal. 5:9 NASB
Really? Really
fellow believers and MISSIONARIES?? Noah
Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines missionaries as “One sent to propagate
religion” as in create more believers/missionaries. The very definition of
missionary does not leave room for other missionaries to be
excluded/shunned/turned away. There is no difference of beliefs mentioned in
scripture or the dictionary. If we are going to stick to the whole “TRUTH”
argument, none of us should be missionaries. The disciples were the only ones
trained with all of the truth, and even they had disagreements! They had Christ
himself teaching them, for Pete's sake!
Theory 2: Funding
Seems like a pretty basic and off
the wall reason to have pettiness and discord, but I honestly think it is a
root cause. So many missions and missionaries are being supported by churches
(as they should be) and are being held accountable (as they should be).
However, how the churches go about this is not always conducive to effective
missions. Not every report from the field will be (or needs to be) positive.
It’s a sign of growth and success to come upon hard times. If every report is
“we are growing!” I would begin to question the legitimacy of the report. There
will be seasons of growth for sure, but also seasons of rebuilding and even
decrease. Our jobs as missionaries is not to always have a good report, it’s
too win souls for Christ and prepare them to be missionaries. We are to work
ourselves out of a job. But, in order to keep the funding coming reports must
be positive and encouraging or people will stop giving. I have to ask, “so
what?” what if the funding stops coming? Does that make you any less of a
missionary? No. It just means you have to be a tentmaker and get a job and work
among the people you are trying to witness too. Believe me, funding makes
full-time missions SO MUCH EASIER, but it is not a necessity to be effective.
On the country, it actually might be more of a hindrance, depending on your particular
niche of missions work,
So here is what I am trying to say:
we all say we have the same goal/purpose and all serve the same God. However,
if we cannot get along as fellow believers and missionaries, how can we have
effective ministry work on the mission field or otherwise? We need to stop this
whole “don’t talk to them because_______” “don’t associate with their
mission/work because one time they ____________” “those people teach false
doctrine so don’t work with them” “they work for another mission so you can’t
help/work with them (or you’re a traitor)” etc. crap. As long as we are all
teaching the true salvation message and the fundamentals of how to study
scripture for themselves, what else matters? Why do we all want to build our
own fortresses and face spiritual warfare alone? Why not live together even
with our differences, in unity, in one place (metaphorically speaking) to walk
the walk and talk the talk? How can we teach the love of Christ if we can’t
even show it to the others that are trying to achieve the same goal?
So fellow missionaries and believers
both on and off the mission field, I implore you. Let go of the hair-splitting
differences and stand in unity with others. We will be more effective for the
kingdom both on and off the mission field. And let’s be real for a minute. Just
being a believer makes you a missionary wither or not you are in a foreign
country. The love of Christ should be seen through you at all times, and that
alone is ministry to the unbeliever.
Rant over.
Have a wonderful and blessed week, Until next time, May Adonai bless and keep
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