Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Hello everyone!

      I know it has been a long time since I wrote. The past couple of weeks I have really wanted to write something but just couldn't. However, after a rather tough day on Friday I was inspired to write this poem so I thought I would share it. I hope to have a regular post up soon. 


Dedicated to the 2018-2019 3rd grade class of:
Christian Community School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

The other day in class I was asked a rather simple question:


You see, as a teacher I spend time imprinting knowledge into the minds of my students
But I have never spent a lot of time to explain why.

2+2= 4, 4/8 is the same as 1/2, Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory, a force is needed to put something into motion, the plural of puppy is puppies but the plural of fish is fish.
Just fish, not fishen, fishies or fishes.
Remember that kids or it is a zero on your test.

I spend hours explaining sentence structure and grammar,
The correct format for an essay and the differences between the different kinds of poetry.
The students watch the videos, take their notes, and do their work,
But 6 months through the school year they ask:


Why do we`1 need all this knowledge when we have calculators and google at our fingertips?
Why is it important to know that a proper noun is capitalized but the others aren’t, when we have spell check? Why do we need to know how sound waves travel when we spend our time with earbuds in our ears? Why do we need to know cursive when I can write in print and can type faster than either of those?
And why on earth,
Do you think Superman is better than Spiderman?

I stand there and look out at my class,
eyes awaiting my answer,
and I do not know how to respond to such a complex yet so simple a question.
How can I explain to these young minds that all of this information serves a bigger purpose than just passing a test?

How do you explain to 9 year olds the concept of learning from the past?
Understanding what happened then,
So it doesn’t happen again.
How do you explain the importance of critical thinking and analysis to youthful thinkers?
And how do you stress the importance of being able to write and speak with such conviction and grammatical correctness that you gain respect from those in authority?
How do you explain that understanding the Bible helps you understand life?

You see, in school you learn things you think you will never use again. You answer the questions on the test then move on, not remembering that fact for years.
Hitler was a dictator, Russia is a communist country, King Henry the VIII had 6 wives, and the laws of physics prove the strength of Captain America’s shield is actually,

But what do we learn in school that is proven to be true?

We learn that speaking with authority gives you more credit from your listeners, this includes knowing the myriads of ways the O-U-G-H is used, the Bain of the English language.
We learn that although spelling doesn’t always make sense, learning to spell helps when you try to get a job.
We learn that objects always move in the direction of a force so that means if you throw a ball at a window it is going to break it because it won’t suddenly change direction. So don’t be surprised if your Mom doesn’t buy your “I didn’t mean to” story.

We learn that you can’t outrun a cheetah so don’t even try, but most importantly
We learn that words have meaning and weight and how you use them

You see, when we speak or write to others what we say can be interpreted many ways.
How we speak, where we breathe, it all makes a difference and sometimes what you say at home,
Hurts someone at school.

The why goes beyond just information, the why is because you need to know it to succeed, to be respected, too function in society.

But how do you explain that to ten sets of brown eyes focused on you just wanting 10 extra minutes of recess rather than a worksheet about commas?
How do you explain that my only goal as a teacher is to teach them to teach themselves, because there will be a day when no one else will?
How do you explain that while I know this, and their parents know this, their innocent minds see this as unnecessary torture imposing on their carefree lives?

How do I explain it?

“Because I am your teacher and you have to learn it, that’s why”.

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