It has been a while since I have
had time to write. I had several papers due, grades for report cards due,
multiple meetings with parents and admin about my teaching and grading, etc.
etc. etc. But I got ahead a little bit so I can finally sit down and do another
here is as interesting as ever. We have finally settled into our house that
moved into in April. There was a lot going on with it being sold and getting a
new rental contract from the new owner, power issues, installing things, 2
washer repairs, car repairs etc. As hard as daily life is, we are seeing fruit
in the ministry field. The teenage boys in the neighborhood have really formed
a good strong bond with Jonathan and are comfortable coming over whenever to
just talk or ask questions and even help with work! They love talking with
Jonathan and playing basketball with him. He invested in some new, brighter
lights for the front of our house which illuminates the basketball court fairly
well at night, so now the boys are happy as can be! They can now play until
9-9:30 at night when they used to have to stop around 7 because of it getting
dark. We much prefer they stay and play and Amos loves to join in. The boys are
good to include him and make him feel like he is part of the game. I will try
to film it sometime.
am no athlete and medically cannot be that active, I have made myself the water
queen. I make sure to put the jug of water and disposable cups out on the table
and the boys know and feel comfortable enough to get water whenever it is out
there. They don’t need to ask and they know it. This culture does not drink a
lot of water as a regular rule, so I try to encourage it whenever possible.
Jonathan also gives a scientific talk to people about the importance of protein
for the cells in your body, and the need to stay hydrated. So between the two
of us the boys in the neighborhood and the Uber riders will have better
nutrition and hydration!
addition to the basketball hoop which Jonathan helped them buy and install, we
have had several of the boys come over to play games. Right now Catan is
popular so we need to get the 5-6 player extension for it. Games played here
are usually dominoes and monopoly so any new game that is introduced is usually
well received. We played Yahtzee with Jonathan’s brother’s family and they were
laughing so hard they could hardly breathe! When the boys played Catan there
was yelling and excitement and everyone left with smiles on their faces even
though 3 of us lost. That is the type of ministry and community we are trying
to build. Jonathan has already shared the gospel with a few of them and they
keep coming back with more questions. Jonathan is planting seeds, the Lord is
watering them and we are starting to see them grow.
has also started his project with the boys at Cancela. After the crochet class
he spends some time with the boys. They are working on engineering a
hydroponic, vertical garden. He has had success on his own at home, so he is
teaching the boys out there how to do it. The hope is that between being able
to grow food and the crochet projects bringing in money, the people there can
become self-sustaining. Jonathan is even going to teach everyone business basics
such as money management and investments. He is also going to teach them how to
use the internet to advertise and sell their products as well as setup and
maintain a website.
is so encouraging to see the little sprouts coming up from the seeds that have
been planted! The Lord is being faithful and providing and we hope to care for
these seedlings (metaphorical seedlings) and watch them grow into strong trees
with fruit that will help others!
addition to ministry we have our daily lives and activities. I am completing
the first quarter at CCS this week so there has been a big push with grades and
activities and there is a bug going around the school as well. I caught it but
only had a weak voice, fortunately. However, I have 2 kids out with the
sickness this week and 1 out last week. So pray for all of us! Teachers and
students are catching it.
have also been crocheting a lot because of the class. I am actually glad to
have this weekly class because it keeps me crocheting when otherwise I would
not prioritize it. I am glad to have the push and the artistic outlet. All the
donations we have received have been a huge blessing, so thank you!
and Tesla are doing fine. Bunt forgets he is a cat sometimes and acts like
Tesla, especially when food is involved. However, other than occasional sniffs
at the crate, they ignore Bernard which is nice. Bernard is starting to grow
tail feathers back and is standing on his complete leg. Obviously, the missing
one will not grow back. He is eating well and hopefully will continue to heal.
If you had told me we would be nursing a wild pigeon back to health I would have
laughed, but here we are!
was actually talking to Jonathan the other day about our animals and Amos. It
struck me how much Amos copies us and our behavior towards animals. He has no
fear of unknown dogs and cats (he particularly likes dogs) and tries to call
them over all the time. When we pet animals he does too. He knows what “gentle”
means and is very kind and soft with any animal he touches. When we caught
Bernard (it was not hard, poor thing could not fly and could hardly walk) he
was super excited and raised his hand to pat it. As you know, babies don’t pat
very well but when I said “gentle” he immediately changed and carefully stroked
Bernard’s head. I then took him to the bathroom and washed his hands. Loving
animals is good, but I prefer he not get sick from them!
since he talks too, waves at and pets the neighborhood dogs that approach us or
let us approach them. There are only 2 dogs we will not let him near because
they are mean. However, Amos has learned to be kind and gentle with animals and
it is crossing over to how he treats people. He is very loving and kind with people
and becoming gentler as well. Who knew
the simple act of showing kindness to animals, in front of him would make him
so gentle? But as I told Jonathan, we didn’t look for or want a pigeon but it
needed help. If we care for the bird and shows an appreciation and respect for
God’s creation. He created the animals, we are to care for them.
thing that my husband does that is setting a good example for Amos is his
treatment of strangers. Our money is very tight and we are not sure how we are
going to make it until his job starts in January, but the Lord will provide.
Anyway, it does not matter how tight our money is, if someone needs food or
gas, he gives it, even if it means we go without. We never give cash, but it is
not uncommon to see Jonathan giving someone a gallon of gas, a ride to the gas
station or food if someone is in need. I love this example he is setting and
Amos is already showing kindness towards others. He will smile at, high-five
(sometimes even hug) strangers and loves to just chat with people. I love to
see the faces of people light up when Amos engages with them! He often goes up
to security guards and “talks” to them, gives them a knuckle bump and/or smile
at them. Their faces always break into a smile and since a good portion of the guards
are older men, it makes me wonder how many people don’t even acknowledge their existence,
yet here is this little curly-top Americano paying attention to them. Sometimes,
Amos does more effective ministry in 1 minute than Jonathan and I in 1 day.
This post is long! I will stop for now and try to be more regular in my posting
from here on out. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.
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