Thursday, December 20, 2018

Update for the end of the year

Hello everyone!

            So, it has been a while since I wrote and I figured that it is time for an update.


 First, we finally got family pictures done. We had some good friends come over and they took family photos as well as Amos’ 2 year pictures. It was so kind of them to do that and as you can tell, they turned out really well!

              It is hard to believe that 2018 is almost over! It feels like I was just getting into the routine of everything. But I am excited to see what 2019 holds.

            I am officially on Christmas Break until Jan. 8th. Our last day was the 13th so it has been almost a week already. I cannot believe it! I had so much I wanted to do and I have done basically nothing! But rest is a good thing so I am trying to get as much as I can before everything resumes.

            Grad school is going well. I only have 4 classes left! That means I will complete everything in August and I will finally have my degree. It will be so nice to be done but also strange and sad, I like school but I am also ready to have some time back.

            Jonathan is Ubering more hours now since I am at home and no longer have to be dropped off at a specific time. He will begin teaching in an afterschool program in January as well. It is only 2 days a week but it will be a huge help financially to us.

            Ministry is going well. There have been a couple of deaths in the last few months, but sadly, that is a part of life and ministry. I cannot share more details but we are excited to see some growth from the seeds we have been planting (metaphorically). Please continue to pray for us and those we serve.

            I am working more on my crochet, especially over break. I am hoping to be able to start selling a few things to help make money to buy more yarn! As all of you crafters and needle workers know, you can never have too many supplies or too much yarn! If I am successful, I hope to get Jonathan to build me a nice little storage cabinet (with a key) so I can keep Amos away from my supplies. We shall see how successful I am. Regardless though, there are 2 more churches in addition to ours that will be having crochet classes. I will resume in late January or early February. I am currently filming some tutorials that Jonathan will do the Spanish translation for. I will then upload these to YouTube so the ladies can have access to the instruction during the week. Pray for that to go well please! It is hard to film with a toddler!

            Jonathan’s gardening project is going well and he will begin making one at the church next year as well.

            I guess that is it for now. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.   

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Thanking Mrs. K

Hello again everyone—

            Yesterday was a Dominican holiday so we took advantage of it and went to the beach with my brother-in-law, nephew, niece and our dog. Amos loves the water and had a wonderful time and it was so nice to be able to relax and spend time together as a family. We finished the day with a pastors meeting which, while that was going on, Amos, Tesla and I fell asleep. It was accidental but it was nice to go to bed earlier than usual! The beach just wears out little man!

            Anyway, onto the topic of this post. Tomorrow is the last crochet class for this year. We are going to take the rest of the year to plan a new class starting in January, with a different focus, and prepare to start the program at 2 other churches. We are also going to collect some more supplies in order to start again as our yarn supply is now gone and we need more starter hooks. We have decided to have people start with the plastic hooks (they often get lost) and as the progress, give them the metal hooks. This way we can have as many people working as possible since the plastic hooks are supposed to be returned when they receive a metal hook.

            Anyway, as I am wrapping up this class and planning another (actually several different ones for different locations) I realized something. I never acknowledged the woman who taught me to crochet in the first place.


Jonathan snapped this picture last week of all of us working on our projects together. It made me think of the first class I attended when I was taught the basics of crochet, and how one woman’s patience with a hyper 7 year old girl is now affecting a community of women in a different country.

         We have a family friend who I am still in contact with. Okay, she is Mom’s friend but I claim her too! Her kids and my brothers and I grew up together. She is an avid crocheter and as a favor to my Mom, agreed to teach a class of girls (I think for 4-H) how to crochet. My Mom also got a lesson because she wanted to learn and I still remember the pattern used to teach us how to crochet a washcloth. I then crocheted off and on throughout the years using YouTube to teach myself the stitches I did not know once we moved away from the area. However, the very basics of holding the yarn, chaining, single crochet and how to turn your work were all taught to me by Mrs. K.

            Now, here I am, a 29 year old woman living in the Caribbean and the seeds planted over 20 years ago as a favor to my Mom have born fruit. The obnoxious, hyper, bouncy, 7-year-old girl with pig tails and a gap in her teeth has grown up and used the skill that was so patiently taught to me. Her patience is now giving women who would be, to be real for a moment, at risk for prostitution and sex trafficking, an alternative way to help support their families. The area is very poor with many making less than minimum wage, having several mouths to feed and constant pressures of unreliable water and power and poor sanitation. These women now see hope and a chance to be and do something to better themselves and their families. All because of a one patient lady who spent an afternoon teaching girls to crochet.

            As an English teacher I find the English language lacking here. “Thank you” seems so trivial. You truly do not know how much your selfless act means to me and the community of women we are serving. I know there are jewels in your crown already, but I think there will be an extra diamond for this as well.

            It took a long time to see the fruit, but it is showing itself now. So, as inadequate as it is. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of the women benefiting from this skill. Thank you Mrs. K.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Life and Ministry update

It has been a while since I have had time to write. I had several papers due, grades for report cards due, multiple meetings with parents and admin about my teaching and grading, etc. etc. etc. But I got ahead a little bit so I can finally sit down and do another post!

                Life here is as interesting as ever. We have finally settled into our house that moved into in April. There was a lot going on with it being sold and getting a new rental contract from the new owner, power issues, installing things, 2 washer repairs, car repairs etc. As hard as daily life is, we are seeing fruit in the ministry field. The teenage boys in the neighborhood have really formed a good strong bond with Jonathan and are comfortable coming over whenever to just talk or ask questions and even help with work! They love talking with Jonathan and playing basketball with him. He invested in some new, brighter lights for the front of our house which illuminates the basketball court fairly well at night, so now the boys are happy as can be! They can now play until 9-9:30 at night when they used to have to stop around 7 because of it getting dark. We much prefer they stay and play and Amos loves to join in. The boys are good to include him and make him feel like he is part of the game. I will try to film it sometime.

                AS I am no athlete and medically cannot be that active, I have made myself the water queen. I make sure to put the jug of water and disposable cups out on the table and the boys know and feel comfortable enough to get water whenever it is out there. They don’t need to ask and they know it. This culture does not drink a lot of water as a regular rule, so I try to encourage it whenever possible. Jonathan also gives a scientific talk to people about the importance of protein for the cells in your body, and the need to stay hydrated. So between the two of us the boys in the neighborhood and the Uber riders will have better nutrition and hydration!

                In addition to the basketball hoop which Jonathan helped them buy and install, we have had several of the boys come over to play games. Right now Catan is popular so we need to get the 5-6 player extension for it. Games played here are usually dominoes and monopoly so any new game that is introduced is usually well received. We played Yahtzee with Jonathan’s brother’s family and they were laughing so hard they could hardly breathe! When the boys played Catan there was yelling and excitement and everyone left with smiles on their faces even though 3 of us lost. That is the type of ministry and community we are trying to build. Jonathan has already shared the gospel with a few of them and they keep coming back with more questions. Jonathan is planting seeds, the Lord is watering them and we are starting to see them grow.

                Jonathan has also started his project with the boys at Cancela. After the crochet class he spends some time with the boys. They are working on engineering a hydroponic, vertical garden. He has had success on his own at home, so he is teaching the boys out there how to do it. The hope is that between being able to grow food and the crochet projects bringing in money, the people there can become self-sustaining. Jonathan is even going to teach everyone business basics such as money management and investments. He is also going to teach them how to use the internet to advertise and sell their products as well as setup and maintain a website.

                It is so encouraging to see the little sprouts coming up from the seeds that have been planted! The Lord is being faithful and providing and we hope to care for these seedlings (metaphorical seedlings) and watch them grow into strong trees with fruit that will help others!

                In addition to ministry we have our daily lives and activities. I am completing the first quarter at CCS this week so there has been a big push with grades and activities and there is a bug going around the school as well. I caught it but only had a weak voice, fortunately. However, I have 2 kids out with the sickness this week and 1 out last week. So pray for all of us! Teachers and students are catching it.

                I have also been crocheting a lot because of the class. I am actually glad to have this weekly class because it keeps me crocheting when otherwise I would not prioritize it. I am glad to have the push and the artistic outlet. All the donations we have received have been a huge blessing, so thank you!

                Bunt and Tesla are doing fine. Bunt forgets he is a cat sometimes and acts like Tesla, especially when food is involved. However, other than occasional sniffs at the crate, they ignore Bernard which is nice. Bernard is starting to grow tail feathers back and is standing on his complete leg. Obviously, the missing one will not grow back. He is eating well and hopefully will continue to heal. If you had told me we would be nursing a wild pigeon back to health I would have laughed, but here we are!

                I was actually talking to Jonathan the other day about our animals and Amos. It struck me how much Amos copies us and our behavior towards animals. He has no fear of unknown dogs and cats (he particularly likes dogs) and tries to call them over all the time. When we pet animals he does too. He knows what “gentle” means and is very kind and soft with any animal he touches. When we caught Bernard (it was not hard, poor thing could not fly and could hardly walk) he was super excited and raised his hand to pat it. As you know, babies don’t pat very well but when I said “gentle” he immediately changed and carefully stroked Bernard’s head. I then took him to the bathroom and washed his hands. Loving animals is good, but I prefer he not get sick from them!

                Ever since he talks too, waves at and pets the neighborhood dogs that approach us or let us approach them. There are only 2 dogs we will not let him near because they are mean. However, Amos has learned to be kind and gentle with animals and it is crossing over to how he treats people. He is very loving and kind with people and becoming gentler as well.  Who knew the simple act of showing kindness to animals, in front of him would make him so gentle? But as I told Jonathan, we didn’t look for or want a pigeon but it needed help. If we care for the bird and shows an appreciation and respect for God’s creation. He created the animals, we are to care for them.

                Another thing that my husband does that is setting a good example for Amos is his treatment of strangers. Our money is very tight and we are not sure how we are going to make it until his job starts in January, but the Lord will provide. Anyway, it does not matter how tight our money is, if someone needs food or gas, he gives it, even if it means we go without. We never give cash, but it is not uncommon to see Jonathan giving someone a gallon of gas, a ride to the gas station or food if someone is in need. I love this example he is setting and Amos is already showing kindness towards others. He will smile at, high-five (sometimes even hug) strangers and loves to just chat with people. I love to see the faces of people light up when Amos engages with them! He often goes up to security guards and “talks” to them, gives them a knuckle bump and/or smile at them. Their faces always break into a smile and since a good portion of the guards are older men, it makes me wonder how many people don’t even acknowledge their existence, yet here is this little curly-top Americano paying attention to them. Sometimes, Amos does more effective ministry in 1 minute than Jonathan and I in 1 day.

                Wow! This post is long! I will stop for now and try to be more regular in my posting from here on out. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Missionary Pedestal

I realize this post may not be super popular, but there is something on my heart I would like to share. So, I have decided to post about it as a way to get it out there and start people thinking. 

There is one thing that really bothers me about both US and Dominican culture. And that is the pedestal that missionaries are placed on. Whenever it is mentioned that I am a missionary (whether by myself or someone else) there is an almost universal response of admiration and wonder. This bothers me a great deal and I usually prefer to just describe myself as a pastor’s wife because for some reason, that is not on the same level as a missionary.

There are several things that I want to address about missionary life, or rather, ministry life. You see, we tend to forget that we are all missionaries. We were commanded to be missionaries when we were given the Great Commission. The act of being a missionary should go hand-in-hand with the life of a Christian. Yes, some people choose the foreign mission field, and others their homeland. That does make the abroad missionaries better or more valuable, they chose to serve abroad, but being a missionary is not an occupation, it is part of Christian life.

Also, just for the record, being a pastor or a pastor’s wife can be just as hard, if not harder, than being a missionary. Now, I am not saying that people who have chosen to be missionaries are wrong or anything, there are some who are truly called that way. What I am saying is that they are normal people. They do not deserve to be placed on a pedestal, no one does. That defeats the whole purpose and meaning behind ministry work. Yes, life on the field is wicked hard, but it is a duty we were given by Christ. Not everyone is called to the field, others serve locally, and they are just as much of a missionary as those serving abroad.

Rather than placing us on a pedestal, why not pray for us? And for yourself? We are all uniquely placed in this world to impact someone or maybe even multiple people. That is an act that all believers should embrace and realize that that is a port of being a follower of Christ. Christ is the only one that should be placed on a pedestal. As scripture says, we are one body but we have different functions. That does not make one part more important than the other, we just have different callings and purposes.

All of this to say, don’t make missionaries more than they are. We are human and preach the Gospel just like you.

Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.   

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Our hope to bless others

      It has been a while since I have posted. For some reason Tuesdays have become very busy so I am choosing to post today in order to get a post up this week!

     As you probably know we moved in March to a house in the north side of town. There is vacant land around us so the owners of the house planted different kinds of trees on the lots and in the backyard. People in the neighborhood have been harvesting from these trees but they produce so much that we cannot keep up! We are now collecting the fruit and giving it to those in need, particular people in the community of Cancela.

     The main food we get is Avocado currently, but we also have sour orange, almonds and mango. The cherry tree is not producing a lot just yet and the green bananas are still ripening. I just wanted to share with you Jonathan’s endeavor to gather some avocados to take to church today (I gathered some sour orange as well). We are now using some of the seeds to plant more and once the sprouts are established, we will take them and plant them in vertical gardens in Cancela. The children 12 and older are being taught how to care for the plants and it is there responsibility to tend them during the week. Jonathan will check in on Sundays and Wednesday to see how they are doing. 

The goal is to teach the young adults how to vertical garden specifically with plants that are not in the immediate area. They have mango trees but not the others. They will be taught how to turn the gardens into an income but starting with the church’s garden that will be used to help those in need. The seeds of those plants will then be used in their personal gardens. 

       The ladies ministry crochet class will begin the first Wednesday in September. The ladies will be signing up this week and next so I know how many people will be present so supplies can be purchased. I have asked for ladies 13 and older only but I am willing to teach younger if they really want to learn.

            The first projects these ladies will learn is washcloths, hot pads and headbands. If there is still interest, I will teach them various granny square patterns and show them how they can be joined to create bags, blankets, pillows etc.

            So, with all of that and my new job starting we have been very busy! Jonathan hopes to start Ubering this week and that will be his main source of income so that he can focus on ministry more.

            Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Back in Tennessee!

        Well, it has been awhile since I wrote last. Amos and I are now in the States and a tropical storm hit Santo Domingo. Jonathan is checking on family and church members and I feel so helpless being up here and unable to do much. But in a way it is easier as well because he does not need to worry about our safety.

            Friday is the last day for one of my grad school classes. This latest one was an English classes where we learned about the importance of writing and how to teach writing in a classroom. I really enjoyed the course and I am a bit sad to see it end. However, that means I am that much closer to completing my degree so that is an encouragement.

            I found out that I will be teaching classroom 3rd grade (all subjects except specials and Spanish) at my new school. This is not the challenge I was expecting but I am excited about it. My new classroom is tiny (I will show pictures in a future post) but I only have 9 students so it should be fine. The school is just starting its 5th year but is steadily growing so that is awesome.

Because I am teaching 3rd grade, I had to decide a different classroom theme because the one I was planning on doing was middle school English oriented. So I thought I would do elephants but that was this class’ theme last year. So, I have decided on….Pineapples! With accents of purple and a touch of green. I thought that would be fun for the kids, especially since pineapples are common there and it is a sign of welcome. Since that is my theme, I have been collecting a few things for my classroom which has been fun but also required a lot of thinking outside the box. It is not a common classroom theme yet, and most stuff is like neon tropical paradise stuff. I am enjoying the creative part but trying to find stuff for limited money is a bot of a challenge….plus the fact I have a small classroom and I have to think about where everything will go. Posters are a no go due to sheer lack of wall space. But I can do little caddies and ceiling decorations. So far, so good!

Amos is enjoying the time here. He loves the attention, the toys and the shopping! There are 4 cats and a rabbit to play with plus uncles that are around. Grammie has all these cool things that he is not supposed to play with as well that he tries to sneak any way.

Well, that is all I have time to write for now. Amos needs to go down for a nap. I have another post in progress so I will try to get that up next week. Until next time, may Adonai bless you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Summer time

Hello everyone---

I know it has been a while since my last post. This has been a rather difficult week outside of school, so I want to spend a little time talking about that.

My beloved dog died last week (run over by a car), my husband and I officially informed our school that we will not be returning next year and I missed my big brother’s graduation from the State Trooper academy. I will be heading Stateside next week for a visit, but I am upset that I was unable to make it to his graduation. He has wanted to be a lawman for so long and after extended higher education, marriage and other things, he is finally one! He is so excited and we are so proud of him!

My husband and I left our school for a variety of reasons, most of which were ethical. However, Jonathan being a Pastor, he also felt that the demands at this particular school were so heavy that ministry had to take a back seat and we are not okay with that. He is teaching at a summer camp but after that, he is officially unemployed. I left also for ethical reasons, but also for medical reasons. My medical condition worsens with stress and teaching 2 subjects and the extra requirements by the school, plus ministry, plus grad school, plus being a wife and mother was just too much. I did accept a teaching position at a different school that has less afterschool and weekend requirements, and less hours overall. It is also a Christian school so I can be open about my faith and teach from a scriptural standpoint. I am hoping all these factors will help decrease my stress so that I can focus more on other things. I am also praying my husband finds a job soon. Surly as a bilingual person with a master’s degree someone will want to hire him! I think the harder part will be finding a job with consistent hours so he can still focus on ministry.

I am really enjoying grad school. I honestly never thought I would get a masters, especially not in English, but the Lord has a sense of humor! Most of my life I was told I was stupid because my handwriting is atrocious, I cannot spell and I was home schooled. My goal is to graduate from Liberty as a member of the honor society. Even though the naysayers are no longer in my life, I carry scars from them and I want to be able to prove to myself, and students that also struggle with dyslexia that you can still achieve great things. The dyslexic brain works differently, learn how your brain works and use it to your advantage. Dyslexia doesn’t mean dumb, it means different.  

I will get off my soap box now.

I have been watching some youtube videos about bullet journaling and teacher planners trying to prepare for the upcoming school year and find a system that will allow me to keep track of personal, ministry and work life. One of the videos I watched had a suggested video about a quote journal. Out of curiosity I watched it. I really like the idea. I have several spare journals (I seem to collect them!) so I started a quote journal…which my husband’s cat promptly vomited on. Why do I like animals again? But I digress, I have found that quote journaling is actually therapeutic for me. Right up there with creative writing and crochet. So, I am going to try to institute a few minutes of quote journaling every day. I also think I found a method of planning that will work, so I am going to get me planner/teacher binder set up this summer.

The church Jonathan is currently the interim pastor at (he is training the new pastor) is in a rural area. It is a very poor area that has unreliable water and sanitation. One of the women living near the church has requested I teach a crochet program so that the women can make things to bring in more money. The average income there is only minimum wage which is about $200 us dollars a month. Considering that I spend that on groceries for 2 weeks, I have no idea how they make it stretch for a month. And we do not live a rich or fancy lifestyle at all, a very modest one in fact. So, I have agreed to teach the class when I return form the States at the end of July. So now I need to create a crochet class, for Spanish speakers, and I speak very limited Spanish. My Husband will translate but this is a challenge for sure. Ministry life does not leave time for boredom that is for sure!

I will end this lengthy post. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Healthy Dose of Perspective

           I have been having a pity partly lately. My pain is higher than normal due to the increased stress of being this close to the end of the school year. In addition, I have come to accept that we cannot afford for me to fly to the States this summer. Our moved that happened over Easter, completely drained our savings. I knew it would be either the more or going to the States, but I thought we could tighten our belts and do both. However, since there is a payment issue from our employer, and several other factors, it just is not possible. As a result, I have been feeling sorry for myself because I really wanted to see my Mom and watch my brother graduate from the police academy. But the Lord has said no, so I need to accept that.

            Yesterday, I was thinking about how sad I was to not go back over the summer and went with Jonathan to Cancela for Bible study. I do not normally do that because that is my scheduled grad school time. But, I only have some simple things to do so I felt like I could afford the time to go this week (Cancela is a church outside of town that is in a really poor area). As we pulled up to the church we noticed that a house next to the church was undergoing major construction. Concerned, because we know the residents, Jonathan inquired. Turns out that wife delivered their firstborn this morning (a boy!) but the doctor’s diagnosis was correct. The baby has fluid on his brain and needs surgery. While dealing with this, the husband was in the home when some police showed up by the Landlord’s order and bulldozed the house. So the man now has a very sick baby, no money for surgery, no home, a broken motorcycle thanks to the bulldozer, and it appeared that his source of income (raising fish and chickens) was also destroyed.

            The church is going to do what it can to help, but obviously, this man is devastated. As of when we left yesterday evening, he had not yet seen his baby because he and some kind-hearted neighbors were rebuilding the home. His wife was also unaware of the demolition so he was going to have to tell her at some point. The house itself was/is made of sheets of tin metal. Not sturdy at all and they are preparing to bring a sick baby into it. It really made me step back and realize that my not going Stateside is not a big deal. We are strong and healthy, we have a sturdy, clean house and although money is tight right now, we can make ends meet and make it through the summer with no payment (gotta love being a teacher!).

            Sometimes the lord gives us a new perspective when we start to lose focus on what is really important. I had to eat some humble pie last night but I am grateful for the lesson, especially since I was holding my healthy and strong son’s hand as he fell asleep on the way home.  

      Until next time, may Adoani bless you and your homes

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Thoughts on the Diary of Anne Frank

Hello everyone!

Recently, I read the “Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank. Yes, I just now read it for the first time. I was not so struck by the diary itself, as I was visualizing where the family was and what they were going through; as a Mother. I tried to imagine what Mrs. Frank was feeling during that time and how I would feel in her shoes. I then began to think about the Holocaust and how all those mothers felt as they were being shipped there, their families being split and sorted, trying to figure out how to keep your precious child(ren) alive, etc. I had been wondering how parents could willingly give up their children to strangers to keep, or sneak them away, but now that I have Amos, I get it.

I have also wondered how come so few people would stand up for or protect/hide the Jews from the Nazis. I know they were protecting themselves and their families but what about their moral obligation? This is still a very difficult question for me to grapple. Again, having Amos has put a whole new spin on it for me. If I were in a place to shelter people being rounded up to be sent to extermination camps, would I hide them? Knowing that if I do, Amos would be hurt if we were found out, would I still do it? It brings a level of understanding of other peoples actions during that time. It was a risk, often a life or death risk. However, we also have to remember that the full extent of what happened in those camps was not fully known to the public until after they were liberated. So some of the people’s refusal to help was out of their own ignorance. I am sure if the full brutality and inhumanity that was endured in the camps was known, there would have been more of an uprising. But that is all speculation and “what ifs”

   One thing I can say for sure though. The reading of the diary and my renewed interest and research in WW2 has taught me some extremely beneficial lessons for being here on the mission field. It is easy to look the other way when uncomfortable situations occur. It is easy to justify not helping someone whom we think is fully capable of holding a job, etc. However, here in the Dominican, some of these homeless, dirty, beggars are victims of the government or unethical employers who did not pay the wages due to them and they are now out on the streets. I am not saying this is the case with all or even most of the people we meet, but if we pass by one, are we any better than those who turned a blind eye and/or deaf ear in WW2? How hard is it to offer food or a blanket instead of money? How about paying for a hotel room for a night so they can have a shower and a warm bed to sleep in? Just one night might make all the difference in the world to that one person. What about going without that coffee this one morning so that man sleeping under the overpass can have a warm breakfast? A $4 Starbucks coffee could buy a couple of egg sandwiches at McDonalds.

There are so many people in need. Everyone can do something, even if it is nothing more than smiling and waving at them so they know that someone noticed and cared that they exist. When someone feels invisible and worthless, then a stranger smiles and waves at them, for no reason, just because they are there, it can completely change that person’s day. Someone noticed, someone cared, and they are not alone in this world.

 You don’t have to hide Jews or spend your life on the mission field to make a difference. You can do that in small, unique ways. Don’t be in a personal bubble all the time. Believe me, as an introvert, I know that is a very hard thing to do! I like my little bubble! But sometimes, that bubble must be popped or put aside in order for others to know that you care about them. Not because they are in need, but because they are creatures that were created by the Almighty and they are loved by him, so are loved by you.

Until next time. May Adonai bless you and your homes.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Finally! Another post!

Hello again! Sorry for the long time between posts. I am ½ way through with my last grad school class for this semester so I hopefully my posts will become more regular after that!

There has been a lot going on that I cannot discuss just yet, but the Lord has answered several prayers. I am now at a place where the future is a lot closer than I realize and some very serious and life changing choices must be made. The same with Jonathan as well. Ministry is still our mine focus but we cannot dedicate as much time as we want or need too and we are seeking ways to resolve this. We have bills to pay and family to feed so we have to work, but the jobs that pay what is needed to live, are very demanding of our time. It leaves us in a difficult place so prayers for wisdom would be appreciated.

On the same note, I am considering trying to get some more medical training. I am only first aid certified, but have knowledge for other injuries thanks to my parents….and my brothers. There is a great need for medical here. In the last month there have been 3 different significant injuries I have witnessed and 2 of which I helped with. There were several others that I did not get up close with due to people already being there, but it has caused me to start assembling a large, heavily stocked first aid kit to keep in the car(s). I cannot take medical classes here due to my Spanish still not being very good, but once grad school stops I am hoping to find some videos or books or something. I am being drawn back to my original dream of being a nurse. I know I cannot ever be one, but at least some basic EMT training would be beneficial here. Especially out at the rural church we are temporarily caring for. The sanitation is bad, medical supplies and care limited at best, and no money for people that do need the local hospital/clinic. It is a difficult mental place to be, wanting to help but having limited supplies and knowledge. So please pray the Lord gives me wisdom about how to gain more medical knowledge, with the little time and money we have.

Jonathan is keeping very busy. Between his teaching, husband/father responsibilities and ministry duties, he hardly has any time to sleep. I have also had a flare up medically this week and has had to pull a lot of extra weight as a result. Poor guy is running on empty. Please pray for him.

We did get our inverter fixed so we can at least have lights and fans 24/7. None of the appliances run on the inverter, but I can work around that. It is just nice to have 24/7 light and fans! We have our normal issues with cars and car repairs, but both are running for now so Praise the Lord for that! One car is for ministry either us or others and then we have our personal car that is used when needed.

We fixed our inverter because over the Easter break we moved. We plan on returning to Isabelita, but the mold and mildew was causing health issues with Amos and me. Plus, we just needed more space. We moved to the north side of town, and live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. It is in a secluded area and is very quiet (thank you Lord!) and we have nice and respectful neighbors. Amos loves having a room and I am enjoying having space to put things! Bembito and Bunt were not happy at first, but they have adjusted and like the new house and neighborhood. Bunt is the king cat and Bembito is trying to be alpha dog, but enjoys being inside so it is not progressing well!  

    Well, that is all for now. Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.

Friday, March 30, 2018

The significance of Passover

It is Good Friday and Passover begins at sundown tonight. As I searched the city of Santo Domingo for lamb to cook for dinner tonight (I was unsuccessful by the way) I began to think about the significance of these two days and that are more intertwined then I believe people realize.

In mainstream Christianity, Good Friday marks the day that Christ was crucified. Easter Sunday is when he was resurrected/the tomb was discovered empty. (For the sake of unity and conciseness, I will leave it at that and discuss the whole timing debate in another post.)

For Jews, Messianic Jews, and Messianic Israelites, (yes, they are different. Again, a subject for a different post) Passover is remembering the events leading up to the Exodus from Egypt.

But are these two events really that different?  Let us look more in depth at each of these, starting with the Christian side of things.

On the Sunday before he was crucified, Christ entered Jerusalem riding a donkey. People through down their cloaks and palm branches in the road for the donkey to walk on. People heralded the arrival of Christ with “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” A few days later he partook of a meal with his disciples which we call the Lord’s super, but since Christ was Jewish, was actually a Passover Seder. After the meal he left to pray, was betrayed, and tried. He was beaten and mocked and then lead out to be crucified. The moment Christ died, the curtain in the Temple dividing the holy place from the holy of holies was torn in two, from top to bottom. Impossible to be done by man. There was also an earthquake and darkness... at 3:00 in the afternoon. He was buried in a hurry because the Sabbath was quickly approaching and on the third day he arose/his tomb was found empty.  

Now, the Jewish side.

In the book of Exodus we find the story of Moses leading the Hebrews/Israelites out of Egypt. Before they were allowed to leave there were 10 plagues in the land. The last was the worst one; death of the firstborn. The only way to avoid this plague was to sacrifice a perfect lamb, put the blood on the doorframe of your house and then roast and eat the lamb. The blood was a mark and protection from the angel of death, and it would “Passover” the house….hence the name “Passover”. The Israelites were commanded to remember this day forever, which they do, right around Easter with Passover and the feast of unleavened bread.

Now, these 2 events still do not seem related, but just stay with me.

During the Passover Seder, there are specific elements used that point to Christ. The first is the Matzah. It is like a big cracker with holes in it like a cracker but also has brown lines from where it was baked. You could say it was “pierced and striped” like Christ was. In addition, part of the Seder is the hiding of and searching for the Afikomen. This is a partial piece of matzah that has been blessed, wrapped in a white cloth and hidden. Later in the evening, the children will search for it and the person that finds it usually gets a prize of some kind. Blessed, wrapped in a white cloth and hidden sounds a lot like the burial of Christ. There is also the normal “communion” of partaking of wine and matzah which Messianic believers equate to remembering Christ but Jews do not…obviously. The Seder plate itself is also full of significance. Lamb is served for Jews this is in remembrance of the lamb sacrificed to protect the firstborn, and for Christians/Messianics, this is representative of Christ as our lamb. There are of course traditions and other aspects of the meal that are significant, but I want to really focus on the lamb and matzah.

Beginning with the matzah. As stated above, this is basically a giant cracker. It is unleavened because when the Israelites fled Egypt, they did not have time to let their bread rise and so made this unleavened baked bread called matzah. Now, Matzah is pierced and stripped as I said earlier but think about it being unleavened. Leaven is an agent that helps things rise. Yeast, baking powder, baking soda, etc. In Scripture leaven is used to describe sin. “A little leaven leavens the whole loaf…” So, the matzah being unleavened represents perfection. Guess who was called perfect, without blemish? Christ!

The lamb is a lot more obvious in its significance and link with Good Friday. Christ is often described as the “Lamb of God” and is perfect and without blemish. Just like the Israelites were required to sacrifice back in the book of Exodus. The blood of Christ is the atonement for our sins, the protection from eternal death, the payment for our debt. When the lamb was sacrificed in Exodus, the blood of that perfect lamb was not only a symbol of being in obedience to the commands of Adonai, but also a protection from death. By putting the blood on the door, the Hebrews were claiming that protection, and heralding the future Messiah.

Hopefully, this post makes sense. There is so much more I want to say and point out, but it is already quite lengthy so I will stop here. I will continue this topic in the next couple of posts. Until next time, may Adoani bless your homes.    

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A change in perspective

I had a completely different blog post in mind but as I was trying to finish typing it, I just could not get the incidents of yesterday out of my head. So I decided to write about that and finish my post up for (hopefully) next week.

Have you ever had those “woe is me” type days…or weeks? It has been one of those for me the past few days. I have been under a lot of stress this last week and as a result, in a lot of pain. In addition, on Sunday, I was bitten by some mosquitoes and had an abnormal reaction to it which I am still getting over. My ankle became very red, hot, swollen and painful and if I rested it for a period of time, it would hurt to walk on it. Because of this and some other things, Monday was a pity party day. Jonathan was at a pastors meeting and I was alone with a painful ankle, chasing a baby who would not nap around our small, moldy, crowded house. Can you hear the pitiful violin playing in the background?

Jonathan called me on his way home saying that he was going to stop at the hospital to visit his brother who had been there all day, (2nd time in 24 hours) because of a bad asthma attack. I told him I wanted to come so he came and picked me, Amos and Grecia up first. It was almost 9pm by the time we made it to the hospital but we did see Jovanny and he was released while we were there. Since no one in the group (Jovanny’s wife and sister were there too) had eaten, we then did an impromptu dinner at a Chinese place. Those of you who know me, know how thrilling that was for me! (yes, sarcasm). But it was good to visit and watch Jovanny’s color return to his face. We said our good-byes and started our journey home at about 10:15. We are almost never out this late as both Amos and I like to be in bed by 10, but it was an exception that I was happy to make.

On the way home, we took a route we take on a daily basis. However, we could not figure out where this cloud of dust was coming from. Jonathan was focusing on driving (as he should) and his science teacher brain was trying to come up with some logical explanation. All of a sudden I see a wrecked car and tell Jonathan. He had not seen it and so immediately reversed to check. The same time we arrived another man was running up to the car to check on the driver. Within about 45 seconds there were six adults trying to help. I was the only one with any first aid training so through Jonathan’s translation we were finally able to convince the victim (and the helpers) to stop moving. The first reaction is to remove the person from the accident, which I get, except there was a strong chance of neck and back injuries and little chance of danger. But it got sorted out and 911 called…which took a while to arrive (I tell you, speed is not something Dominicans will ever master I think). EMS assessed the driver and moved her to the ambulance. Jonathan gave a statement to the police and we went on our way. (Amos was fantastic and well behaved the whole time, bless his heart!)

Although I will most likely never know the outcome, I have good reason to believe the driver will be okay (she was the only one in the car). It really got me thinking about my pity party over the last few days. Yes, my stomach hurts…a lot, yes my ankle hurts but I can still accomplish what I need too. I have a functioning car, a job, a healthy and happy family, and a husband who usually drives very carefully. We were going down the same road as this driver, passed the same car that blinded her causing the wreck, and we were fine. Does a swollen ankle compare with a car wreck or all day hospitalization for asthma? Uh, no. Not even close. Although I do have a lot of things to be stressed about, we have a lot of blessings that I forget about and take for granted.  

I hear stories from neighbors and neighbors of church members regularly that make me realize just how blessed I am. I still struggle with entitlement, I was raised in a more affluent culture. Even though I was raised poor, I was still better off than the poor people I live among. Yes, I would like 24 hour power, but if it is between that and having a healthy family, I will take the healthy family.

I remember telling someone once; happiness is not promised. Not being hungry is not promised. The only thing promised, is Adonai’s unconditional love and salvation to those who ask.  
After seeing Jovanny and helping with the wreck, I realize more now than ever that life is precious, and we do not know how long we have. It is a miracle that the driver did not have serious injuries when we found her. It is a miracle that medicine has advanced as much as it has, and now, bad asthma attacks are not nearly as fatal.  

Sometimes it takes these drastic events to change my perspective. At the end of the day as I fell into bed nursing my sore and swollen ankle, I just told myself to “suck it up buttercup”. I have it pretty good and a few irritations should not cause me to forget about my enormous blessings.

Until next time, may Adonai bless your homes. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


So, I am finally sitting down and writing another post. Another long expanse of time between posts. I hope life will settle down soon but I am not holding my breath!

This has been a good week in ministry. The new baptistery built for us has already held two baptisms! It is such an amazing thing to witness someone giving themselves to Christ. I don’t think it will ever get old or routine for me! The Lord is so good!

The Dominican Independence day is next week so we have a short school week. I am glad for the rest but also a little frazzled about losing two days of instruction next week and two days this week due to all day field trips and the school celebration.

The weather has been cold and rainy. I have worn sweaters and leggings for over a week. The bright side is the fact we have not run the AC which has substantially lowered our electrical bill. This is a help because we now have car repairs for both cars thanks to an issue with the wheel on our old car.

            Jonathan and I have been discussing the next major investment in our house. We have agreed that the porch will take the next priority as we find ourselves regular needing and wanting to sit outside but having no furniture to do that. We cannot invest in furniture until we have some kind of wall or bars up to prevent things from getting stolen. We have several ideas in mind for how to secure the porch but also make it inviting. Hopefully over our long weekend we can concrete the plan and begin the work on it.

            Grad school has recommenced for me this week. This class I am currently taking is about special education so I am really looking forward to that. I will take another class after this one to complete my FAFSA requirements, but then I look forward to having a break over the summer and trying to make some progress on our home.

            I know this is a short post this time. I hope to have a philosophical one next time! Until then, may Adonai bless you and your homes

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


            It’s been 2 years since I moved here. I have adjusted far better than I thought. I am no longer tense when we are on the road, and for the most part, I am not tense when we are running “late”. I am adjusting to Dominican time! It actually relieves a lot of stress to be more carefree with time, and nobody gets offended because everyone is like that. Life just moves at a slower pace here…mostly.

            Some things have happened that signal my acceptance by the locals. They are no longer guarded in what they say and treat me as a fellow Dominican. I guess I have passed the test and they realize I am here to stay. My Spanish is still very basic but I can hold some simple conversations and some people even try to communicate with me in English. They have come to realize that I am not as scary as they originally thought! Amos is of course, still the most popular one, but that is fine. He has a whole block of people watching out for his well-being.

            I have developed a relationship with a couple of venders at the farmers market. They recognize us and know exactly what I am going to buy (give or take a veggie or two) and even sometimes what I am looking for in a veggie (i.e. bell pepper ripeness and color). It is nice to have some routine like that. Sadly, we do not go to the market as much as I wish we did, but when we do, I always get a ton of food for not a lot of money. Teachers out there know how important that is! So, I am able to feed my family really healthy for as inexpensively as possible when I buy there. However, I refuse to buy my meat from anywhere but the grocery store or the local chicken butcher. I just don’t trust how the meat at the market is prepared and I don’t know, it just weirds me out.

            Although the driving here is still as terrible as ever, one thing is for sure. Being teachers has been a blessing. Whenever we are stopped at a police checkpoint they see our school parking sticker, our uniform shirts and our annual taxes sticker (basically a car tag but it is on the windshield) and just wave us on. Very rarely do they go ahead and ask for proof of insurance and such. I guess teachers are not a big threat or huge law breakers. Probably because we don’t have time to break the law!

            Another thing I appreciate about this culture that ours seems to have last is the porch. It does not seem like we spend much time, if any sitting on the porch. We are always busy, constantly moving, never taking the time to slow down and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea in my case). People here are very minimalistic. They do not own much so cleaning does not take long and they can enjoy down time. They have hours of free time (I wish I had hours of free time!) everyday where they can just sit and chat or enjoy the breeze or go to a baseball game. It seems to be something the American culture has lost.

            A final thought is about how the church is treated here. Church activities and meetings are treated with great importance and respect. It is not considered mundane here. If you have a church activity or are involved in the church it is important. It trumps everything else. It does not appear t me that church is valued like that anymore in the States. Attending services is like a chore to many, and it is not viewed that way here. I am very grateful for that.

            Well, that is all for this week. Until next time, may Adoani bless you and your homes.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Eats with Sinners

            Wow, has it really been over a month since my last post? I guess there is o need to explain that my life has been crazy! But, the holiday season is almost over and my first round of grad school classes are complete. I am taking a breather from classes and will resume Feb. 19th.

              There has been a lot of ministry going on. A lot of it subtle little things but piled up create big things! I know I have posted about this before, but ministry comes in many forms, not just the traditional ones we think of.

              The people here crave relationships and fellowship. They want people to come visit and stay and talk with them. They get offended if you just run by to drop something off or say hi. Unless you have a legit excuse they get upset if you don't stay. And even if you have an excuse you must plan 10-15 minutes to spend with the person before you can leave. It can be bothersome sometimes but that is just how this culture works.

            When you do stay and visit with people they insist on serving you a drink at the very least (normally juice, coco-cola or coffee) but usually a small snack as well. Anything from crackers, to rice or whatever they have on hand. Refusing this is also offensive unless you have a medical reason to refuse it.

          This brought to mind a saying I saw on pinterest (love pinterest!):

    This is such a biblical concept. Christ was ridiculed for eating with the sinners and tax collectors. No respectable person would do that! A rabbi would eat with people of his same caliber! There is just one problem....those are not the people that need the teaching.

       Now, don't get me wrong. You absolutely should spend time with other strong believers because Iron sharpens iron. However, that works both ways. In order for something to get sharper, the material sharpening it must be stronger than the object being sharpened. So, just like strong believers can sharpen you, you must sharpen others. 

        One of the best ways to do this is around a table over some food. That environment is a non-threatening one and because people relax around a table it is easier to talk. That being said, using a meal to pulpit-pound the scripture to someone is not appropriate. Use the relaxed environment to get them to open up, to feel comfortable talking etc. There will be a time and place for pulpit pounding later on. 

       Now, to clarify, there is absolutely nothing wrong with projects and ministries. They can have a very positive influence or impact depending on what it is. I am in no way trying to downplay or invalidate those, but I want to draw your attention to the importance of eating a meal with someone. There is nothing like a belly full of warm food and good conversation to make someone question what makes that person different. Why would that person who hardly knows me take the time to eat with me. Usually people only eat with friends and family. Or if you share your food with someone, it makes them question then as well. No one gives up their own food for someone else, especially not someone they do not have a relationship with. This makes them come back, and after a period of time, a relationship is built and the gospel can be shared. 

      Where I live most women do not know how to use or do not use their ovens. It is strictly storage and everything is cooked on the stovetop or in a rice maker. Now, these women make some fantastic food! I love it! However, one thing I can make is baked goods. Bread, muffins, pie etc. By sharing these items with people in the community and Jonathan talking to them (let's face it, my Spanish is still very limited) we have built relationships and a few have even come asking for help or advice and even a couple of church services. This had nothing to do with preaching the Gospel. We just talked and shared food. That is it. Showing Christ's love and sharing is not a tree that brings forth fruit quickly, but when it does, the fruit is well worth the effort. 

         So, I just want to encourage you. Maybe the mission field is not your calling. However, everyone can do something to spread the Gospel and further the Kingdom of God. Next time that new employee comes to work and looks overwhelmed, invite them to join you for a snack during break time. Just talk with them. Build a relationship with them. Don't rush and share the Gospel, share food with them, be their friend. When they are ready they will ask questions. You must first prepare the soil before planting the seed. Oftentimes eating together does just that.

     Until next time. Blessings to you and your homes.