Thursday, December 19, 2019

What the mission field has taught me: reflecting back on 2019

2019 is almost over and it is during the hustle and bustle of this time of year that I step back, grab a notebook and pen, a hot cup of tea and sit in quiet solitude thinking back over the last year….yeah right. It is more of reflecting on the year while removing cat claws from my hands and legs while de-boning chicken, shushing dogs that are barking at the inevitable death awaiting all of us at the hand of the delivery boy and his motorcycle at the house up the street, a toddler throwing balls as he does “bulling” (bowling) with empty two liter bottles as pins, and a husband listening to various YouTube videos while working on the computer at full blast. The cacophony of noise is often overwhelming, but it is my family and I love them!

            I do not want to focus on personal ups and downs, but rather, mission-specific lessons, both the good and the bad. Yes, not everything on the mission field is positive; in fact, more negative things happen than positive ones. But that is how it goes, that is what serving others and spreading the Gospel is like, mostly thorns but the roses you get out of it are well worth it. The old saying “if only one…” yes, it is absolutely worth it even I only one soul is saved.

            I think the biggest lesson I learned is that friendly fire [metaphorically] is a very real thing. The people that are supposed to be in your corner and supporting you, often cause the greatest damage, intentionally or not. On more than one occasion a mission team, person, or another missionary has said or done something that has taken more than a year to fix, all because they disagreed with something we said or did, but did not take the time to see for themselves if we had a reason for what we said or did.

            Along the same vein, I learned that missionaries need to stick together. If you cannot work or get along with another missionary than perhaps missions is not your calling. We are supposedly all working towards the same goal, but if we cannot be loving towards each other, how can we show Christ’s love to those we are trying to save/serve?  It is just not possible. Doctrinal differences included, the only reason to not work with another person on the mission field is if they are preaching a different gospel and if that is the case, they are not really missionaries and should be reached out too as well.

            Another thing the mission field has taught me is that even the smallest seed, something we may not even see as ministry can be, and often is a tool to preach the gospel. First aid, a conversation, showing genuine care for a person, these everyday actions speak volumes on the field.

            Once you have been on the field serving in a specific area for a length of time (at least a year, 2 is better) people drop their guards and facades and you see the genuine person that they are. I have always hated hypocrisy and after spending 4 years on the mission field, my hypocrisy radar has really been fine-tuned. Because the community knows us, they have let go of the facades they presented at first and just act like they do in everyday life. On more than one occasion we have seen people’s true colors and have better understood what the ongoing issues in the community are/have been and have been able to be more effective in mediating issues that have been brought to us…or rather Jonathan.

 I also learned that even Christ was tired doing ministry work. It is hard and tiring, especially when balancing full-time work and family life. Through grad school and extended family issues (on both sides) and we basically burn the candle at both ends. People need you at all times and every day and you just can’t meet their every need. You always feel like you are never doing enough and discouragement is a constant. But when you see one person baptized you get a renewed strength to keep going, because your effort helped one soul, maybe there are more you can reach.

            Finally, I learned that it is okay to ask for help and accept it from others. This was a hard one for me. I was raised to work hard and make things happen and not accept help from people. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps so to speak. I still agree with this, but I have learned that Adonai will use other people to help you and you are robbing them of a blessing and being prideful to refuse help, especially if you have been praying for it. It is fine to receive just as it is fine to give.

            So, this year has been full of lessons, both personal life lessons, as well as ministry and spiritual lessons. I hope to continue to grow and that 2020 provides more insight into how to better serve others, regardless of nationality, language, economic status, and gender.

            Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes. Happy Hanukkah!