Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Healthy Dose of Perspective

           I have been having a pity partly lately. My pain is higher than normal due to the increased stress of being this close to the end of the school year. In addition, I have come to accept that we cannot afford for me to fly to the States this summer. Our moved that happened over Easter, completely drained our savings. I knew it would be either the more or going to the States, but I thought we could tighten our belts and do both. However, since there is a payment issue from our employer, and several other factors, it just is not possible. As a result, I have been feeling sorry for myself because I really wanted to see my Mom and watch my brother graduate from the police academy. But the Lord has said no, so I need to accept that.

            Yesterday, I was thinking about how sad I was to not go back over the summer and went with Jonathan to Cancela for Bible study. I do not normally do that because that is my scheduled grad school time. But, I only have some simple things to do so I felt like I could afford the time to go this week (Cancela is a church outside of town that is in a really poor area). As we pulled up to the church we noticed that a house next to the church was undergoing major construction. Concerned, because we know the residents, Jonathan inquired. Turns out that wife delivered their firstborn this morning (a boy!) but the doctor’s diagnosis was correct. The baby has fluid on his brain and needs surgery. While dealing with this, the husband was in the home when some police showed up by the Landlord’s order and bulldozed the house. So the man now has a very sick baby, no money for surgery, no home, a broken motorcycle thanks to the bulldozer, and it appeared that his source of income (raising fish and chickens) was also destroyed.

            The church is going to do what it can to help, but obviously, this man is devastated. As of when we left yesterday evening, he had not yet seen his baby because he and some kind-hearted neighbors were rebuilding the home. His wife was also unaware of the demolition so he was going to have to tell her at some point. The house itself was/is made of sheets of tin metal. Not sturdy at all and they are preparing to bring a sick baby into it. It really made me step back and realize that my not going Stateside is not a big deal. We are strong and healthy, we have a sturdy, clean house and although money is tight right now, we can make ends meet and make it through the summer with no payment (gotta love being a teacher!).

            Sometimes the lord gives us a new perspective when we start to lose focus on what is really important. I had to eat some humble pie last night but I am grateful for the lesson, especially since I was holding my healthy and strong son’s hand as he fell asleep on the way home.  

      Until next time, may Adoani bless you and your homes

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Thoughts on the Diary of Anne Frank

Hello everyone!

Recently, I read the “Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank. Yes, I just now read it for the first time. I was not so struck by the diary itself, as I was visualizing where the family was and what they were going through; as a Mother. I tried to imagine what Mrs. Frank was feeling during that time and how I would feel in her shoes. I then began to think about the Holocaust and how all those mothers felt as they were being shipped there, their families being split and sorted, trying to figure out how to keep your precious child(ren) alive, etc. I had been wondering how parents could willingly give up their children to strangers to keep, or sneak them away, but now that I have Amos, I get it.

I have also wondered how come so few people would stand up for or protect/hide the Jews from the Nazis. I know they were protecting themselves and their families but what about their moral obligation? This is still a very difficult question for me to grapple. Again, having Amos has put a whole new spin on it for me. If I were in a place to shelter people being rounded up to be sent to extermination camps, would I hide them? Knowing that if I do, Amos would be hurt if we were found out, would I still do it? It brings a level of understanding of other peoples actions during that time. It was a risk, often a life or death risk. However, we also have to remember that the full extent of what happened in those camps was not fully known to the public until after they were liberated. So some of the people’s refusal to help was out of their own ignorance. I am sure if the full brutality and inhumanity that was endured in the camps was known, there would have been more of an uprising. But that is all speculation and “what ifs”

   One thing I can say for sure though. The reading of the diary and my renewed interest and research in WW2 has taught me some extremely beneficial lessons for being here on the mission field. It is easy to look the other way when uncomfortable situations occur. It is easy to justify not helping someone whom we think is fully capable of holding a job, etc. However, here in the Dominican, some of these homeless, dirty, beggars are victims of the government or unethical employers who did not pay the wages due to them and they are now out on the streets. I am not saying this is the case with all or even most of the people we meet, but if we pass by one, are we any better than those who turned a blind eye and/or deaf ear in WW2? How hard is it to offer food or a blanket instead of money? How about paying for a hotel room for a night so they can have a shower and a warm bed to sleep in? Just one night might make all the difference in the world to that one person. What about going without that coffee this one morning so that man sleeping under the overpass can have a warm breakfast? A $4 Starbucks coffee could buy a couple of egg sandwiches at McDonalds.

There are so many people in need. Everyone can do something, even if it is nothing more than smiling and waving at them so they know that someone noticed and cared that they exist. When someone feels invisible and worthless, then a stranger smiles and waves at them, for no reason, just because they are there, it can completely change that person’s day. Someone noticed, someone cared, and they are not alone in this world.

 You don’t have to hide Jews or spend your life on the mission field to make a difference. You can do that in small, unique ways. Don’t be in a personal bubble all the time. Believe me, as an introvert, I know that is a very hard thing to do! I like my little bubble! But sometimes, that bubble must be popped or put aside in order for others to know that you care about them. Not because they are in need, but because they are creatures that were created by the Almighty and they are loved by him, so are loved by you.

Until next time. May Adonai bless you and your homes.