Wednesday, January 24, 2018


            It’s been 2 years since I moved here. I have adjusted far better than I thought. I am no longer tense when we are on the road, and for the most part, I am not tense when we are running “late”. I am adjusting to Dominican time! It actually relieves a lot of stress to be more carefree with time, and nobody gets offended because everyone is like that. Life just moves at a slower pace here…mostly.

            Some things have happened that signal my acceptance by the locals. They are no longer guarded in what they say and treat me as a fellow Dominican. I guess I have passed the test and they realize I am here to stay. My Spanish is still very basic but I can hold some simple conversations and some people even try to communicate with me in English. They have come to realize that I am not as scary as they originally thought! Amos is of course, still the most popular one, but that is fine. He has a whole block of people watching out for his well-being.

            I have developed a relationship with a couple of venders at the farmers market. They recognize us and know exactly what I am going to buy (give or take a veggie or two) and even sometimes what I am looking for in a veggie (i.e. bell pepper ripeness and color). It is nice to have some routine like that. Sadly, we do not go to the market as much as I wish we did, but when we do, I always get a ton of food for not a lot of money. Teachers out there know how important that is! So, I am able to feed my family really healthy for as inexpensively as possible when I buy there. However, I refuse to buy my meat from anywhere but the grocery store or the local chicken butcher. I just don’t trust how the meat at the market is prepared and I don’t know, it just weirds me out.

            Although the driving here is still as terrible as ever, one thing is for sure. Being teachers has been a blessing. Whenever we are stopped at a police checkpoint they see our school parking sticker, our uniform shirts and our annual taxes sticker (basically a car tag but it is on the windshield) and just wave us on. Very rarely do they go ahead and ask for proof of insurance and such. I guess teachers are not a big threat or huge law breakers. Probably because we don’t have time to break the law!

            Another thing I appreciate about this culture that ours seems to have last is the porch. It does not seem like we spend much time, if any sitting on the porch. We are always busy, constantly moving, never taking the time to slow down and enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea in my case). People here are very minimalistic. They do not own much so cleaning does not take long and they can enjoy down time. They have hours of free time (I wish I had hours of free time!) everyday where they can just sit and chat or enjoy the breeze or go to a baseball game. It seems to be something the American culture has lost.

            A final thought is about how the church is treated here. Church activities and meetings are treated with great importance and respect. It is not considered mundane here. If you have a church activity or are involved in the church it is important. It trumps everything else. It does not appear t me that church is valued like that anymore in the States. Attending services is like a chore to many, and it is not viewed that way here. I am very grateful for that.

            Well, that is all for this week. Until next time, may Adoani bless you and your homes.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Eats with Sinners

            Wow, has it really been over a month since my last post? I guess there is o need to explain that my life has been crazy! But, the holiday season is almost over and my first round of grad school classes are complete. I am taking a breather from classes and will resume Feb. 19th.

              There has been a lot of ministry going on. A lot of it subtle little things but piled up create big things! I know I have posted about this before, but ministry comes in many forms, not just the traditional ones we think of.

              The people here crave relationships and fellowship. They want people to come visit and stay and talk with them. They get offended if you just run by to drop something off or say hi. Unless you have a legit excuse they get upset if you don't stay. And even if you have an excuse you must plan 10-15 minutes to spend with the person before you can leave. It can be bothersome sometimes but that is just how this culture works.

            When you do stay and visit with people they insist on serving you a drink at the very least (normally juice, coco-cola or coffee) but usually a small snack as well. Anything from crackers, to rice or whatever they have on hand. Refusing this is also offensive unless you have a medical reason to refuse it.

          This brought to mind a saying I saw on pinterest (love pinterest!):

    This is such a biblical concept. Christ was ridiculed for eating with the sinners and tax collectors. No respectable person would do that! A rabbi would eat with people of his same caliber! There is just one problem....those are not the people that need the teaching.

       Now, don't get me wrong. You absolutely should spend time with other strong believers because Iron sharpens iron. However, that works both ways. In order for something to get sharper, the material sharpening it must be stronger than the object being sharpened. So, just like strong believers can sharpen you, you must sharpen others. 

        One of the best ways to do this is around a table over some food. That environment is a non-threatening one and because people relax around a table it is easier to talk. That being said, using a meal to pulpit-pound the scripture to someone is not appropriate. Use the relaxed environment to get them to open up, to feel comfortable talking etc. There will be a time and place for pulpit pounding later on. 

       Now, to clarify, there is absolutely nothing wrong with projects and ministries. They can have a very positive influence or impact depending on what it is. I am in no way trying to downplay or invalidate those, but I want to draw your attention to the importance of eating a meal with someone. There is nothing like a belly full of warm food and good conversation to make someone question what makes that person different. Why would that person who hardly knows me take the time to eat with me. Usually people only eat with friends and family. Or if you share your food with someone, it makes them question then as well. No one gives up their own food for someone else, especially not someone they do not have a relationship with. This makes them come back, and after a period of time, a relationship is built and the gospel can be shared. 

      Where I live most women do not know how to use or do not use their ovens. It is strictly storage and everything is cooked on the stovetop or in a rice maker. Now, these women make some fantastic food! I love it! However, one thing I can make is baked goods. Bread, muffins, pie etc. By sharing these items with people in the community and Jonathan talking to them (let's face it, my Spanish is still very limited) we have built relationships and a few have even come asking for help or advice and even a couple of church services. This had nothing to do with preaching the Gospel. We just talked and shared food. That is it. Showing Christ's love and sharing is not a tree that brings forth fruit quickly, but when it does, the fruit is well worth the effort. 

         So, I just want to encourage you. Maybe the mission field is not your calling. However, everyone can do something to spread the Gospel and further the Kingdom of God. Next time that new employee comes to work and looks overwhelmed, invite them to join you for a snack during break time. Just talk with them. Build a relationship with them. Don't rush and share the Gospel, share food with them, be their friend. When they are ready they will ask questions. You must first prepare the soil before planting the seed. Oftentimes eating together does just that.

     Until next time. Blessings to you and your homes.