Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Back to school? Why now?

            At Jonathan’s request I am going to use this post to go into depth as to why I am returning to school; especially right now. The timing seems odd, I do admit; but hopefully this post will clarify some things!

            As you may know, in the States, it is almost impossible to get a teaching job if you are not a licensed teacher. Here, that is not the case. However, you either need an education degree, a certificate course for teaching or a Masters degree to be a teacher. This is a new law here, it used to just be a college education, but they are emphasizing education more so have changed the laws.

            Now, Jonathan and I had discussed my returning to school, and had decided that I would in the future; when Amos was older. However, my director told me that because of the laws, I needed to return to school now so that I could be still be employed. The government just needs to know I am getting my degree for me to keep my job.

            Why do I need to keep my job? Well, that’s a good question. Simple answer, we need the money. We are still converting our house and Amos eats a lot and goes through a lot of diapers. That’s great! But we also have ministry expenses and one paycheck will not cover everything, so my working is necessary.

            However, there is another purpose entirely that has pushed the obtaining of a higher education degree for sooner rather than later. One that Jonathan and I have kept fairly private until now; as we were/are gathering more information before plunging headlong into the project.

            For a year now we have had repeated requests for an English class. Many people in our community want to learn but do not have the funds to do so. Jonathan did a weekly class for a while, and we are starting after school tutoring soon for all subjects. And honestly, we are needing a new space. For many years the lot next to us has been vacant and for sale (currently a caretaker lives in a one room structure with his family…and has chickens). It is our desire to purchase the property and build a school there to be run by the church. Our vision is that it will be a bilingual Christian school, as there are neither bilingual nor Christian schools within walking distance of our community. By obtaining the Masters degree, it gives me the education required by Dominican law to be a teacher, and gives credibility to me/us for when we open the school. Jonathan has a Masters from the States so no one questions his ability or credentials. By doing the same myself, I will be on the same level education wise and have credibility with the government, ministry of education and our community.  

            There are numerous other small things that are pros and cons, but these big pros are what really pushed us to advance our plans now instead of in a few years.