Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What are you going to miss?


     As my time here in the States draws to a close, I have done a lot of reflecting. It has been a hard summer.

     I got a letter from a dear friend of mine and she asked me a rather simple question. "What are you going to miss the most about the States?" It really got me thinking.

    I am going to miss my family, of course, but really, there is not a lot else. I have days where the language barrier drives me absolutely nuts and I really miss English. But I think that was true for Jonathan when he came to the States. I am sure he missed Spanish sometimes too!!!

    But I think my friend was actually referring to material things. In all honesty, there are only two material things that I will miss (because I cannot get them in the Dominican), and interestingly, they are both food items! I am not a foodie by any means, I love to cook and I am usually willing to try new things, but...yeah. Anyway, the two things I will miss are: blueberries and unsweetened ice tea.  
Wait, you come from the south...unsweetened ice tea???!!! Sacrilege!!! I know, I know. I will occasionally drink half sweet, half unsweet, but very rarely. Truth is, sweet tea is too sweet for me. #hypoglycemia. It just spikes my blood sugar then it plummets really fast and I feel bad and get really cranky and I have actually almost passed out. So, I don't drink sweet tea. The only tea readily available for me is sweet. I try to make my own, but when we eat out iced tea is not an option for me. :-(
So, I miss being able to just stop and get an ice tea while out and about. However, I do drink a lot more water as a result so that's  win right?!

   As for the blueberries. I have found one store that sells frozen blueberries but they are SO EXPENSIVE it's ridiculous. To give you an idea, I do buy  a dozen fresh strawberries for $2. Yes, 12 strawberries for TWO dollars. And not even all of those strawberries are good. Frozen strawberries are even more expensive. I can get a 3 fresh pineapples for $2 and mangoes are like $0.10 each. So the blueberries are stupid expensive comparatively.

    I will miss those two things the most I think. So, I have been eating a ton of blueberries and gallons of unsweetened tea. So, every time I visit the States I will be consuming those two items like there is no tomorrow!

    Anyway, Amos and I head back early Friday morning. I have packed up the teaching supplies but now I have to figure out how to get the clothes home. You can tell I am a teacher, supplies first then clothes!

    Until next time, May Adonai bless you and your homes.

Monday, July 10, 2017

It is Well with my Soul

    We all have our favorite hymns. Sometimes they change with our season of life, but if you look into the history of them, they can speak to you even more.

     I was given some pretty devastating news from the doctor on Friday, and as I talking with Mom about it, she brought up the hymn "It is Well with my Soul". Now, our situations are not even close to being the same, but it is still a reminder of what is important.

    "It is Well" was written by a devout Presbyterian man (maybe an Elder or Deacon, I can't remember) living in Chicago. He was very wealthy, had a wife and 4 daughters, but sadly lost his son. Then the Chicago fire happened and he lot all of his real estate and therefore his fortune. He and his family decided to go to Europe for a reprieve. At the last second he had to stay behind to tend to business but sent his family ahead with plans to follow. The ship carrying his family sank and only the wife was saved. When he traveled to rejoin his wife, the captain of his vessel pointed out the spot where the ship carrying his family went down and it was there that the hymn "It is Well" was written.

     Things did not look up for him though, he and his wife later lost another son. But the point of the hymn remains the same: regardless of the circumstances, if I am in Christ, all is well with my soul.

     This is both a difficult and comforting concept to grasp. In the middle of the situation it is hard to think; "well, at least I am good for eternity! I will let these hard things go!" Nor should we be like that. But we do need to acknowledge that Adonai is sovereign, and circumstances don't effect our salvation. However, our actions can. Are we going to stay mad, turn our backs and walk away? Or are we going to say: "Okay Lord, I don't understand, but I trust and love you" and continue walking with him? I am not saying don't get mad at Adonai. We are human, we will get mad at Him. I am saying don't stay there, and don't make decisions while in that state.

     "Blessed be the name of the Lord!" "King of Kings and Lord of Lords!" "It is well with my soul."

     Until next time, may Adonai bless you and your homes.