Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why are we here?

         These last couple of weeks have been extremely challenging with all the science lesson planning (typing A LOT) I’ve been doing at work for 5 different grades in middle school. If you know me, you can tell writing is not necessarily my strongest suit, mostly because I’m a perfectionist and I’m always looking for little details (mistakes) in my writing which causes me to take longer in any task that I perform (like the two paragraphs that I just deleted from this post because I didn’t like them). On top of that, my best half is at home resting due to medical license. She provides mental stability to my world when she is around (when I’m at work of course, like right now). Oh well, the thing is that I’ve been seriously focused trying to meet all the deadlines I was given before the classes begin. However, a few days ago something happened to me at work that prompted this post and I want to share some of that.

        On one of my breaks, some co-workers asked about Mary and her condition. After I answered some of their concerns, the same question everyone asks us came back again: “is she going to have the baby here (in the DR they mean)?” My answer while I smile is “yes, we are”. Interestingly, the following question has been a trend since February when we found out about the pregnancy: “Why?” Now, that question normally comes with a great emphasis of disappointment in the voice tone, like when you don’t understand the irrationality of a situation, and you ask “But WHYYYY?” Initially, this kind of interrogation hacked me off. I would get upset for being questioned about a personal decision Mary and I made. I often thought people were being disrespectful about our ability to decide what to do for our family. But later on I started putting myself in most Dominicans shoes to understand the way they look at us. Something must be triggering these questions implying that we are making a mistake by having the baby in the DR – or even the fact we decided to live our lives here. When I looked at the situation from their perspective, I realized they have reasons to believe we are making the wrong choices.

        First, a great number of Dominicans look at the United States as a pinnacle of a civilization. We tend to import so many things from the States that even our culture and identity is molded after the U.S. Second, the economic system in the U.S. make most Dominicans feel attracted to the culture of having more. For most Dominicans, U.S. citizens have a lot of money and although this is a misconception due to the equivalency between both economies, you need to know that minimum wage in the DR equals 215 US$ A MONTH. Third, the organization, education level, services, opportunities, technology, health assistance, and other “good” things are more accessible in the U.S. if compared to the “chaotic” life style of the DR. Fourth, the comfort of the U.S. overshadows any comfort found in the DR. Most Dominican’s perception is that as soon as you step into U.S. territory, your life will be changed and improved immediately. I can keep going multiple paragraphs about things that are “good” in the States and “horrible” in the Dominican, but I will start hitting common trends related to those four categories I just listed here.

        That brings us back to the question, why are we here? Do the Dominicans’ question to us make sense now? Hmmm, maybe a little. If you have been involved in short term mission trips before, you can have an idea why many Dominicans would have such a mindset. However, it’s only when you immerse yourself in the culture of everyday life situations and conditions (like public transportation, traffic, noise, heat, short funds) when you understand why Dominicans look up to U.S. citizens (or anyone from around the world with a stronger economy) as someone of higher value. Now, a warning on this. I was hesitant to write this post because it could make us (Mary and I) look like we are doing this huge sacrifice in coming to the DR, or just as a way to receive some pity on us. The purpose of this writing is just to state clearly why we are here.

      In spite of most Dominican’s perception, we have a stronger reason to disagree with their thoughts. We are learning to respect their thoughts and at the same time we are searching for ways to convey that our reasons to be here are stronger. We are looking for opportunities to share with them the other side of the story they don’t know.

      A little more than 3 years ago, I (Jonathan) left the DR with the purpose of attending to Seminary at Cincinnati Christian University. This time has been one of the most transforming experiences in my life after my conversion when I was 9 years old and meeting the second love of my life, Mary (Christ is my first by the way). I left with the mentality “I will go to get trained and then will return to train leaders and pastors.” The case is that my heart found the spiritual transformation I needed to love like Christ those potential leaders and pastors. That is the reason why we are here. Every day we are falling in love with people around us. Christ is teaching us to love them the way He loves them. Still, we have a long way to go in this learning process. But the important thing is that we feel called to this land, to this holy place, to learn how to love like Christ did.

       We pray that our presence here in the DR will be a sign of Christ’s story being told. My DR fellows need to know Him as that side of our story and our stronger reason to be here.
With that note I will stop here and let Mary take over her space again. God bless!

Living for Him,

The Espacio-Hardin Tribe

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Aaronic Blessing

          Jonathan and I listen to CDs on the way to and from work and the most recent CD we have listened too, is one by John Waller. The very last track on the CD is called “Lord bless us and keep us” and the song is based on the Aaronic blessing. It is a very short, but calming song and Monday morning Jonathan and I got into a discussion about it. So, I thought I would turn that discussion into this week’s blog post.

            The blessing can be found in the book of Numbers, chapter 6:24-26. It says:

The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
And give you peace.

            This blessing was said by the Priest over the Sons of Israel and is still recited in most Jewish and Messianic Jewish services. (**Fun fact: this is where Star Trek’s Spock got his “Live Long and Prosper” phrase and hand gesture as Nimoy was raised Jewish**) Honestly, this is one thing I really miss. But this sparks a question; who are the “Sons of Israel”? Is it just the Jews? I don’t think so.

            In Galatians 3:23-29 Scripture says:

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise. (NASB)

To me, this means any baptized believer in the Messiah is counted as a child/son if Israel. This does not mean you are “Jewish” although if you want to say that I suppose you could, but rather like an adopted child or “grafted in” is the terminology I have heard used. As a descendant of Abraham, and an “heir according to the promise” this blessing applies to you.

      I think most people view Jews as the “chosen people/children/sons of God/Israel” and Christians as Christians. Yes, Jews are still his chosen people, but Jesus/Yeshua was Jewish and he came to save everyone regardless of heritage, faith, or imperfections. And as Scripture states, we are all one in Christ and part of “Israel” in the Spiritual sense.Does this mean you need to become "Jewish" in the sense of keeping 613 commandments and such? In short, no. But that is a post for another day.

      I could go into more detail, but that would make this post far too long. So I will leave it for another day. Instead, I will end it here. Below I have included links to the Aaronic (Priestly) blessing on YouTube in case you would like to hear it. There are several different tunes (and languages) so I have included several links.

Until next week: May the Lord bless you.

Aaronic Blessing; Hebrew & English:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN8K96twMQo


Aaronic Blessing; Hebrew & Spanish    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTHcpF3Io6Y


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Our Trip

       Hello again! Last week Jonathan and I decided to take a few days and take a short trip to the northern part of the island. Even though we were "off work" we weren't really as Jonathan was working like a mad man on the house, car and church. He really needed a breather, especially after the death of his cat, so we took 3 days, boarded Jefe, left Kempurr and Aria in the car of his Mother, and took off. So, I wanted to show you some pictures from our trip!

     We decided to go to Santiago (Jonathan's hometown) and then took a day to drive the hour to Puerto Plata and go to the beach. I have now been in 2 different oceans while on the same island; score!!!!

The Atlantic ocean in Puerto Plata

 The monument in Santiago

 The Monument was originally built in the 1940s by Trujillo, and known as the "castle";
it was re-purposed after the fall of Trujillo to commemorate the restoration
of the independence. It's full name is "The monument of the Restoration Heroes"
but locals fondly call it: "The Monument".

Views from the landing of the monument

Jonathan had never been inside the monument so we went in for 100 pesos (about $2.00)
and I snapped this picture from the 2nd floor balcony.
There are 5 floors and the elevator was broken so I totally got my exercise that day! 

 I spy with my little eye...and telescope, the area where I used to live...

Looking for a market in Santiago

My first view of a cathedral in Santiago

The cathedral 

Another cathedral

The driveway into our hotel. It was only $25 a night for a queen size room.
It was secluded and quiet and they had 2 dogs there that I totally
sucked up too. It was very peaceful.

On the way to Santiago

Trying to take a picture of the rice fields and a motorcycle photobombed it! 

Getting dark so this was the last picture I could take on the way to Santiago.

Until next week, blessings to your homes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Why I Cover

         As per usual for me, I wrote a blog post and had it ready to go, then changed my mind about posting it. It will probably be posted in the future along with the others I have written and saved. But for this week, it did not feel right to post it.

            Instead, I want to discuss something that has come up a couple of times since my marriage to Jonathan: why I continue to cover my head.

            My Mother no longer covers, and I wore my hair down (but with a veil) for my wedding so people began asking if I would continue to cover or stop now that I am married. There were even questions about it not being a part of the culture here, with the unspoken point of me perhaps not being effective as a Pastor’s wife if I continue to cover. So I want to address some of these things and just lay out why I continue to cover my head, even in a culture where covering for religious reasons is virtually unknown.

            When Jonathan began talking before either one of us would consider dating we discussed various philosophical questions and views like baptism, and the head covering. If Jonathan had not been okay with me continuing to cover, I never would have dated him. There were certain things I was unwilling to compromise on, and the head covering was one. That being said, the head covering is not worn for religious reasons here in the DR. Sure, there are many head coverings but they are worn to protect their newly styled hair or just to keep it out of their face. I had one lady approach me at taco bell who covered for religious reasons and asked me how I tied my scarves, but that is my only experience with religious covering here.

            Jonathan is an ordained minister for Instrumental Churches of Christ and Christian Churches, better known as the Restoration Movement churches (or Christians Only and Disciples of Christ). The head covering is not used in these churches, so why do I continue to cover when I obviously am the black sheep in the congregation, and as the Pastor’s wife I should not be?

            Simple: personal conviction. When I started covering at age 12, I covered out of personal conviction; although my faith and opinion on a few things has changed, not the significance of the head covering. Regardless of if I had short or long hair I would cover out of its visual, physical and spiritual significance.

            Visually, it is a symbol of my husband having headship over me. He is my authority, my covering, my protector. By wearing the covering I am telling people I willingly accept this, and respect Jonathan as my husband (previous to my marriage my Father was my authority).

            Physically, it is a modesty piece. Although a woman’s hair does not usually provoke a man, Scripture states that a woman’s hair is her glory. Plus, as a woman, I am prone to vanity. By covering my hair I am removing that temptation.

            Spiritually, the head covering is a sign of submission to both my husband and God. It is a protection for me. There have been times when I was under spiritual attack, that I could only sleep when I had a head covering on. Not that the fabric itself was significant, but the fact that I was claiming having headship over me made me feel protected.  

            Yes, I do stand out here, but I stood out in the States as well. Since I am still as firmly convinced as I was when I was 12 that I should cover, I would be a hypocrite to stop. And one thing a missionary and pastor’s wife should NEVER be; is a hypocrite. The choice to cover my hair was mine alone (with approval from my father), and I do not force my convictions on anyone. If the Lord grants us a daughter and she chooses not to cover after through study of Scripture, so be it. All I ask is that she study Scripture for herself before committing one way or the other to the head covering. It is the same thing I would tell any woman approaching me about it. Study for yourself. Religion is copying, faith is personal. You cannot force your faith on someone or it becomes their religion and we are called to spread the faith.

            So, that is why I cover, and continue too, even when I am the only one.

            Until next week, blessings to your homes.       

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


    This week has been a very busy, but also very productive. We have gotten 6 months worth of errands done in about a week which is a huge relief! Watching our "to do" list shrink is awesome!

     I have decided to post more pictures this week so you can see more of the Dominican Republic. On our list of errands we ended up visiting two different areas and I wanted to show them to you. One is a town called Haina (high-NUH) which is outside the capital, and the other is a nice part of Santo Domingo which we don't go to very often.

     We live in a middle class area and spend most of our time in similar or poor areas. Yes, we work in a wealthy area, but honestly, it is so close to a poor one, that I actually see more poverty than wealth. But, let me just show you some pictures and discuss some of the differences and (hopefully) my pictures will show the contrast.

                       This is a Catholic church in Hiana. I just really like the architecture of it.

       This is a normal/main street in Hiana. The lower level of these buildings are business and the upper levels are (usually) apartments. There are so many motorcycles in this area, we counted well over 60 in less than a mile.

              This is a ways from the main shopping stretch but still in the town/city of Hiana.

                                                                        More Hiana

        Hiana is middle class in some areas and poor in others. I did not take pictures of the poor area for several reasons, and you can see all of these pictures were taken from the car. But this city is about 20 minutes outside of Santo Domingo.

Santo Domingo near Luperon

Nice apartments

Look! An apartment for sale!

Dominican Toys R Us

Bamboo growing by Jumbo (joom-bo), a grocery store

       I don't think my pictures did justice to the difference between the two areas, but I tried! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures. Until next week, blessing to your homes.