Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The End of a Chapter

 Well, we have moved. Today we finished our packing, handed over our keys and left our Cincinnati home.  My Mom and brothers came to help and it was a very busy day. Our suitcases are fully packed and everything else has found a home whether it be friends, a thrift store or the trash. It was an emotional experience as we had to pare down even more from our already pared down pile of things to go. It really did not look like that much stuff until we started packing. However, we have utilized every square inch of space and every ounce of weight in our suitcases. One thing is for sure though; this process really shows us where our priorities lie. Anyone who sees what we brought will instantly know what we value and what we don’t. There is even a difference in priorities between Jonathan and I. For example, he is packing a lot (at least in my view it’s a lot) of books whereas, I’m not. He values the library he has accumulated while in Seminary, however, never having been a big reader, I am packing things I can use for teaching and some stuff for our home. These are all good things but it really shows where our heart lies based on what we value and therefore pack. I just found that interesting.

Jonathan is getting ordained tomorrow evening. I am so excited and proud of him! It will be a very nice send off for us.

As some of you may know, our house in the Dominican is currently not ready for habitation. Some things will be done upon our immediate arrival but it will take some time to get it completely furnished and ready for company. We do however; have a bathroom and bedroom that are ready for us…yay! So, in order to decide how to take this four-walled structure and turn it into a home, I have been pinteresting and watching a show called “Small Space Big Style” on youtube. I highly recommend this show to anyone moving to a small space. Our home will be roughly 500 square feet (not counting the bedroom and bathroom that are separated already). And the ideas provided in this show are invaluable when planning storage and/or a floorplan. So, for any of you thinking about moving to a small space, I highly recommend watching the show!

Well, next week’s post promises to be a very interesting one. There will be a lot happening this coming week. So, in preparation for a jam-packed week, I am going to call it a day for now. Talk to you all next week!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Well, it’s our last full week here in the States. That is so hard to believe. Finals are complete, and I am officially a college graduate. Jonathan handed in his last paper yesterday so he is now a seminary graduate. We have both worked long and hard to reach that goal and now it’s still surreal that we have reached it.

Now that classes are over, our campus is like a ghost town. Many of the students have headed home for Christmas and won’t be back until January. It’s weird to walk down empty halls and not see a mass of bodies sitting behind desks listening to lectures from our professors. Jonathan and I go about our normal work but knowing in the back of our minds that tomorrow is our last day. It’s the strangest surge of emotions; a mixture of excitement, grief, joy and sadness. We love our job and our time here in the States. We are sad to see it end, but we have a nervous excitement about what lies ahead.

There is a sense of completion in the air this week; a completion of school, of work, of our season here in the States. It is like a leaf falling from a branch of a tree and hitting the ground. It stays there for a little while before the wind blows it away. That is where we are. We have completed our life on the branch and are now awaiting the wind to (literally) carry us to the Dominican Republic.

I sit here with my hands wrapped around a warm mug of tea looking out the window at the lights of the city…this city which I have called “home” for two and a half years, this city where I met and married my beloved. It’s strange to think that these lights will soon be replaced with lights 1600 miles away. I will most likely still have my hands wrapped around a warm cup of tea as I look out at them there too. It makes me think about what Adonai sees. Does He see us like I see the city lights? Does He see us move like I see the headlights of cars travel up and down the highway? Does He feel removed from the busyness of our lives like I feel as sit here and just watch? But I digress…

However, something else I think about is the weather in the DR. I hate the cold and last weekend with the cold, windy, snowy days were not pleasant for me. I used to not mind it as much but as I have gotten older I just really hate it. Why I briefly considered going to Fairbanks, Alaska for school I have no idea, Cincinnati is cold enough for me! I look forward to not needing layers of clothing and a heavy coat to just go outside in winter, 65 degrees is wonderful to me!
I am seeing “memories” pop up in my Facebook feed about my trip to the DR at this time last year. I remember thinking then the probability of moving was strong but I thought it would be May of 2016, not December of 2015. Which leads me to reflect on the massive changes 2015 held for me; engagement, marriage, graduation, international move….all within 10 months. It was a busy and change filled year, but I would not change anything about it, and it all started with my trip to the Dominican Republic last year. If I had felt like this is not where Adonai wants me, there would have been no engagement or marriage. It’s strange to realize just how different everything is now… wow.
We will start our intensive packing in a few days and our room will soon be very bare. It will bring home the absoluteness of our move even more. We have nothing to distract us now that school and work are finished. Once we clock out tomorrow there will be another sense of completion and a sense of urgency to finish preparing for our departure. I do find it interesting though that our season in the States comes to an end on Dec. 31st and our life in the DR begins on Jan. 1….just an interesting detail.

With all the changes going on there is at least one consistent…a hungry husband! So with that in mind, I’d better finish this post. Good-bye until next week…

Monday, December 14, 2015

Take Time to Pray

It’s hard to bond as a couple when we have to always be doing things or studying. We have no time to be together and just talk, because of papers and finals and moving preparations. With all of the overwhelming emotions and stress this week, the lighting of our hanukkiah every night is how we would spend 3-5 minutes together every evening. Rather than saying the blessings and playing dreidel, we opted to pray together instead. It was only a few minutes but it was a sincere, heart-to-heart conversation with Adonai every evening, that we would have as a couple. Our laptops would be open with books strewn around it, but the “let's light the hanukkiah” moments I treasured every evening, and we have drawn a little closer as a result.

As I mentioned above, this week has been a hard one, emotionally, physically and mentally. Our classes have ended, and our finals are almost complete. We have started saying our “goodbyes” which has brought many tears to our eyes. For those of you that know me, I only express happy emotion in public, and rarely anything else in private. It takes a lot for me to cry, and I had several crying spells this week (poor Jonathan). Then I stumbled across a couple of songs on youtube, which added to the tears, but more tears of relief, of feeling understood, and that it was okay to cry, then tears of grief. The songs were: “Worn” by Tenth Avenue North which I remember a friend of mine showing my mother, and “Just Cry” by Mandisa.

“Just Cry” referred to tears as prayer. I had never thought about it that way. I know in Scripture it talks about shedding tears for lack of righteousness and such, but I had not thought about them as being a prayer. But in a way, they are. It is when we are crying that we are vulnerable and we talk to Adonai unguarded. Sometimes in anger and frustration, other times in hurt, sometimes in joy, but it seems to be only truly unguarded when we are crying…or at least that is my observation.   

However, it seems that prayer has become more habitual than sincere. We pray before every meal, before we go to bed, before we get up in the morning, etc. But how many times have we actually prayed in a way that was a conversation with the Father? Not asking for things or crying out when we are in pain, but just a talk with Him. Maybe it’s nothing more than a discussion about the day, or something on your mind, or just general stuff….much like a conversation with your earthly father. Sometimes the best prayer time for me is when I go someplace away from distractions and just walk and talk with Adonai. Sometimes it’s out of frustration, sometimes depression, sometimes just a distancing from others, but I just have a chat with God.

I think we sometimes forget to see God as our father. We see him as omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful, deserving of respect, friend, king etc. However, the aspect of Him as our Father, although said and taught, I think is easily looked over. I firmly believe we need to maintain respect and reverence for Adonai, but is it possible we haven’t fully comprehended his nature as a “Father” for us?

I ask this because prayer is an integral part of understanding this facet of God’s nature. We don’t have a king, but imagine being before someone of great power and authority, would you feel comfortable just chatting with him? Probably not, you would ask or say what you had too, then leave as quickly as possible. But what if you witnessed that person’s child coming to them and crawling up in their lap and talking with them? It is the same powerful person as before, but now you notice the gentle, loving, side of him that you had not seen before. Now imagine you are that child. You know your Dad is powerful and everyone fears and respects him. However, you also know that you can come to him at any point and just talk to him. It seems like you have value in his eyes. You are not just some subjugated being in his kingdom.

Prayer is our way to connect with the Father on the child-to-parent side rather than created being-to-creator side. We can bare our hearts before the Father and know that he values us and what is on our heart, and he is willing to listen, we just have to sincerely come before him.

But prayer is much more than that. Have you ever known a prayer warrior? Have you ever seen them pray? It is one of the most amazing, empowering and humbling things to behold. It is like they become a different person when interceding for people! I can almost see the heavenly battle as words come from their mouth. It is because they are praying from the heart. They are calling on the Creator of the Universe, the creator of all things, their DADDY, to grant ___________ for they person they are interceding for. I don’t know about you, but for me, seeing a Dad being called upon to help his child in need is a scary sight sometimes!

I distinctly remember one time when I was about 8 or 9 that one such occasion happened to me. I was playing in the front yard and my Dad was doing something with our water heater in the garage. The neighbor across the street accidentally let his not friendly Rottweiler out and it came charging across the street at me. I remember screaming and seeing the dog bite at the lace on the hem of my skirt. I look up and I see my Dad charging down driveway with a hammer at the ready, and making a noise I have never heard come out of his mouth before or since (a mixture between a growl and words). It scared the dog away and Dad quickly got me inside before having a talk with the neighbor. Now, I was not scared of my father. I knew he was there to help me and protect me. The dog however, was scared out of his wits, and went running back home, as fast as his legs could carry him.

That’s how I envision our prayers sometimes. Scary to others, but not those that are called by His name and are His children.

However, prayer is also an act of obedience. Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night with a strong urge or desire to pray for someone? Have you ever not done it? Some people seem to be called to this more than others, but just like we need to feel able to pray for ourselves to God, we need to be willing to respond and pray for others when he asks us too. Sometimes we will never know why, and most of the time it does not make sense; why He would ask us to pray? I mean He is the creator, the Almighty, why is He asking me to pray for someone else? I think it has something to do with Spiritual warfare, but that is a post for another day.

But here is something else to consider: does a prayer always have to be spoken? Whether it be silently from the heart or out loud from the mouth, does a prayer have to be spoken? Can a written prayer like a prayer journal be just as valid? I think so, it is your heart that you are making known to the Father, and sometimes, writing is the best way to begin. Especially if you don’t know what is bothering you but your heart is heavy and you want to pray; just start writing, eventually it will come out of your pen and then you can verbally pray about it too…if you wish.

Basically, I write an extremely long post to say this: prayer is incredibly important. Don’t let it become mundane, habitual or lose its significance in your life. It will bring you closer to those you pray with as well as closer to the Father. So, make time for prayer; even if it is as little as 5 minutes a day. Do not let a day go by that you don’t have even a few minutes of heartfelt conversation with the one who created you, and put you here for a reason. He loves his children and he wants to hear from them, even if it’s only an “It’s been a tough day, but I know you were with me. Thanks. I love you”.  

So, be encouraged! It’s a busy and stressful time of year but you can get through it!        

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Season of Light

Hello again----
 It's hard to believe a week has passed since my last post. It has been a very long week both physically and emotionally. Today we saw three fully packed bags off and suddenly our room is much emptier and reality hit hard...again. But, Sunday night Hanukkah started! I introduced my husband to latkes, but to cater more to his palette, I made them with a Dominican flair! I will include the recipe at the end of this post. However, I wanted to reflect on a few things in this season of light for both Christians and Jews. 

Regardless of what holiday you celebrate, you have to admit the lights make this a beautiful time of year. People get so creative with how they decorate their homes; different colors and designs, some use a lot of lights, some a few, some don't decorate outside at all, but you can see the warm glow coming from within. With moving out of the country I have not invested in a lot of lights, but I did purchase a single strand of blue to place on my door. A few off brand command hooks from Dollar General completed the decorating as my husband and I wrapped the lights around the hooks to create a Star of David. I did this for several reasons: 1) My hanukkiah cannot be placed in a window because I do not have one with a sill for it to sit on. 2) I like lights. 3) I associate with the Messianic Jewish faith. However, stepping back and reflecting, other thoughts come to mind.

Have you ever stopped and just looked at the lights. No, I mean really looked at the lights? Distancing yourself from the stresses and distractions around you and just sat (or stand if you are like me and don't like the cold ground) and soaked in what you were seeing? Just think for a second about that one place that has the best/prettiest lights, the place that you could just be there for a while. Now, picture that one place that has the worst/ugliest lights that you just can't stand or get past fast enough. Here is what I want you to consider: what is the difference between these two places? Why do you love the one and dislike the other? Here is my guess as to why:

Place you love                                             
Not overdone                                                       
Good flow in design/color                                      
Not trying to compete with neighbors     
Takes a plain/ugly place and beautifies it  

Place you dislike
Chaotic flow in design/color
Trying to outdo the entire neighborhood
Tries to cover up the plain/ugliness

What strikes me is how similar that is to Evangelism. Now, everyone has their own color and design of evangelism. There are the street corner evangelists, relational evangelists; then there are those that think they are better or are “right” and everyone else is wrong. Evangelism may not even be on their radar or they are too focused on trying to prove how wrong someone is to effectively share the Gospel or whatever they have to say.

Think about it, what type of person are you more drawn too? The encouraging, relational, same-as-you person, or the street corner, bullhorn, holier than thou person? Who are you more inclined to listen to if you are in line at Walmart with them? What color or method is best?

Consider this. In the darkness a white light shines brightest. Does that mean the white light is best? If you are used to the dark, a white light is blinding, but a red light is more inviting. After the red a blue or green light is brighter and welcome then at last the white light is welcome and bright allowing you to see much better than the red, green or blue lights.

Just like there are different types of light there are different types of evangelism. And maybe some people need the bright white light immediately, and maybe others need to be nurtured up through the ranks finally reaching that white light. Maybe your neighbor rejects the bible thumping, street corner, brimstone and fire, white light method of evangelism, but receives the friendly greeting, genuine caring, let’s talk over coffee red light method better. After feeling comfortable with the red light maybe he might begin asking questions that you can answer non-judgmental and matter of fact-ly: blue light. Then maybe slowly this neighbor warms up to attending church events sporadically: green light. Maybe after many years he starts attending church and gets baptized: white light.   

So, the question is this: what kind of light are you? There is no right or wrong light in this dark world. The only wrong is when you choose to hide your light out of hatred, arrogance or lack of caring. Regardless of if you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan, etc, think about who we are. We are children of the Creator of the Universe. Some of us have lights and some of us don't or have a burned out or tired lights. Look at this darkness, we can come together and create beauty in the eyes of God and man. 

Picture again your favorite spot to see the lights, a skyline, a neighborhood, a church, the zoo, etc. Would it not be as beautiful if it was year round? What if your light was the last one a person saw...is it welcoming or repulsing? It's the season of light, maybe it should always be that season...just a thought.

Dominican Flare Latkes

Makes 20-30 bite size latkes

5-6 Plantains

1 Medium - large onion

3 Eggs

1/3-1/2 cup flour

Salt (1 Tablespoon..ish)

Pepper (to taste)

Fresh Cilantro (5-6 sprigs)

1 tsp. Lime juice

Garlic Salt (to taste)

Sage (to taste) (optional)

Dominican Seasoning (to taste) (optional)

Oil for frying

Grate onion and plantains. Mix in eggs and seasonings. Add flour little by little until batter will hold together.

Heat oil then lower to a high-medium heat (7 on a electric stove). For bite size latkes, drop batter by tablespoon full into oil. Fry until edges are golden brown then flip and fry another 3-4 minutes. Remove from oil and cool on paper towel covered plate or cookie sheet.  

Serve with: sour cream, salsa and/or guacamole

**To reheat the next day** place single layer on cookie sheet and place in 300 degree oven for 15-20 minutes or until crispy

**do not refrigerate latkes** You can freeze them but refrigeration causes them to loose their crispness

Notes: Plantains are softer than potatoes so they fry at a lower temperature

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Here it is, December 1st, with two weeks of classes to go and graduation on the horizon. Preparation for moving onto the mission field is already underway...that's where this week's post comes from.

I have started sorting my belongings, reminiscing as boxes are emptied and the donation pile, trash, to go home and packing piles grow. I giggle over little things as I hold and look at them and then put them in the appropriate pile.

Then, there are the big things; not necessarily in size, but big in sentimental value. We all have those 1,2 or 3 items that hold a special place in our heart even if it's no bigger than your thumb. It might be a piece of costume jewelry from your deceased great-grandmother or maybe a ticket stub from the first movie you went to with your significant other.

For me, sorting clothing, jewelry, nail polish, and shoes (yes, shoes), is not difficult. I am moving to a tropical environment, I probably don't need 5 pairs of boots. One pair will suffice, and maybe it makes since to get them there rather than move them. This kind of thing is just using the logical side of my personality. I prefer that, Star Trek's Spock has always been my favorite character and so operating logically is not hard. However, there is still the sentimental/emotional side that appears when I come across other items like dishes, pictures, wedding things etc.

What's the problem with moving overseas with some china and wedding memorabilia? I will have a house there too! Why not load my 3 suitcases full of dishes? What else could I possible need? We have to eat on something right? Load it up! Then Spock appears:"it's illogical. You need clothes, your Bibles, some books....you can buy dishes there. Use the suitcase for things you can't get there and stuff to sustain you until you are moved into your house". "But my china! I have to be able to be hospitable for Jonathan's ministry! I can get clothes there, and I will make the Bibles fit in." "Illogical! The china will break. And you have to have some clothes because you can't do laundry right away when you get there..." and so the inward conversation goes.

I say all of this and I am sure you are all thinking, so what's the point? We get it, you like china more than clothes. What does that have to do with materialism?

My point is this. We collect things, intentionally or not, we collect things. Sorting goods, I find things that I had to have 6 months ago, and they are now being tossed into the donation pile without a second thought. A magazine article I wanted to read lies among other miscellaneous papers that my desk has accumulated. Things that were given to me and I loved for a month, or used for a few weeks, are now not making the "cut" for the international move. As I watch the trash pile grow I am amazed how many "things" have somehow appeared in my room. More than once I have scratched my head wondering where something has come from and wondering how long I have had it. How did I collect so much material "stuff" and not notice?

I begin to think about the Jews feeling Russia and Germany at the beginning of World War Two, the slaves fleeing to Freedom and other such events. In these instances, the people could take even fewer things than I can. They left so much behind that they never saw again. Family and friends, china, clothes and shoes, pianos, family heirlooms and so much more. In some instances they may have had only the clothes on their backs, depending completely on God and humanity to give them everything else they needed. And here I am surrounded by my worldly goods. It really puts things in perspective.

Yes, I have packed a few precious pieces of china, linens from Grandmother and a few other precious and sentimental things to me. However, looking at my donation pile and wondering about who might be buying these things makes me think about something else. Who is/are those people? How old are they? What do they look like? Have they been hunting for these things like I used to? Is my materialism going to bless them? I wonder what they are going through. Are they financial strapped like I was for most of my life? Are they saved? Have I seen them and just don't know? Will I meet them? Are they married? Do they have children? Is this going to be a gift for someone in their family because they cannot afford to go by something new? Did they loose everything and are starting from scratch?

So many questions and such a small pile. Maybe my rejects will be someone else's treasure. Just like some of my things that are making the "cut". Maybe I can part with more than I realize. After all, a house is a home when there is the presence of God, not by how many pieces of china the cabinets hold.

Yes, I will still shed some tears when parting with some things, and not batting an eye when parting with others. But one thing is for sure, my "stuff" is just stuff, and God is still God. So I will fill my 3 suitcases and when I pull that last zipper closed I will look at my pile of discarded things and say a prayer. I am starting a new life, a new ministry, in a new country. Someone else may never get that chance. I will say a prayer for those who get my things, and walk away. I am richly blessed by God's love, everything else is material. Yes, even my precious china.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


So, we have been married for 6 days! We are trying to get back into our routine of life but with Thanksgiving next week, we are glad for a slightly slower pace. We were blessed beyond measure during our wedding and received many encouraging and humbling gifts. We are excited to head to the Dominican Republic and begin the ministry there together. The gifts we received will all be used for that purpose.

We have pictures coming but I want to post a few real fast. This was a gift from a bridesmaid of mine. She went to Israel and got back to the States just a couple of days before the wedding. So, I asked her to grab a Mezzuzah for me and I would pay for it. Instead she bought this as my wedding gift! I cannot wait to hang it in our new home in the Dominican!

In addition, we received a gift card to Target from one of the men who signed our Ketubah (picture coming later). We used that to purchase a Hanukkiah (hanukkah menorah), candles and dridels. We will be taking those to the DR as well.

I will post more pictures when we get them from the photographer!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

8 days to go!

     So the wedding is only 8 days away!!! I still have some stuff to do but at least the big things are done. We got our ketubah in the mail (I will post pictures of it after the ceremony) and our chuppah is under construction. Our cake is designed and paid for, and our caterer has prepared and amazing menu! There are still some decorations to finish, and a few details here and there but overall it is coming together and I am excited!

    Homework for this month is at an all-time low, but I am still working like crazy to get some stuff done early to make the rest of the month easy. I will be posting pictures later on in the week as things are completed, but so far, everything is falling into place!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

This blog is to chronicle this time in my life as well as to serve as an encouragement to others already on the mission field, or considering going on the mission field.
I will be updating once a week or so. I hope you enjoy it!